"yours was the best" // chapter 14

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Few days later..

2:45pm // Monday

(Ethan's POV)

I'm in 5th period and I'm trying to finish homework from a few days ago, but I can't shake off what Aria said and did to me last weekend. She actually opened up to me and cried into my chest. She trusted me enough to cry.

She trusted me a lot to cry. to me. why would anyone want to cry to me. I'm just an asshole who doesnt care about anything. But I don't know what she's doing to me, she's making me care. Care about her and care about what she said. And it's starting to piss me off. I can't let another hoe take control of me just because she cried to me. But she said "I love you" . "I". "Love" . "You". She probably says that to everyone. 

But the thing that pisses me off is that I don't even know her! For all I know she can be some weirdo who like to eat her hair or something. I don't even know her at all. All I know about her is that she drinks,goes to parties,works out, runs the same path as me, and goes to the same school. That's all I know about her. So I shouldn't be dwelling over a bitch.


I grab my backpack,throw it over my shoulder and left. I think to myself about the situation that happened last weekend. She fucken said I love You. I don't even know if she means it though.

*bump* *bump* *bump*

Multiple people bump into me while walking through the halls, but that doesn't stop me from thinking until someone grabs me by my shoulder. I quickly shift my body hoping it was Aria so that we can talk about it but turns out it was one of her hot friends, Perfect.

"Hey E, um-" she pauses for a couple seconds before I say something.

"Just spit it out Perf." I whisper to her.

"Aria told me what happened between you two. Don't you fucking hurt her heart or I swear to god Ethan, I will break something other than your heart. She's been through enough and she doesn't need some man whore in her life to act like they care." she spits out to me in frustration.

A small circle has formed around us.

She's red from how much anger she's holding in at this point. It's funny not going to lie.

"If I have to be honest, I am a man whore but if I have to say yours was the best." I wink at her ,bite my right corner of my lip and move closer to her.

I look to my right and see Aria with a single tear streaming down her face, she wipes them away before making her way through the back of the crowd that formed around me and Perfect.

I feel immediate guilt rush through my body for saying that.

I felt pain seconds later on the left side of my cheek.

Perfect slapped me but I didn't do anything because I was still in shock that Aria cried because of me.


I run after her while Perfect storms off.

"Aria wait." I yell down the hall.

She walks faster down the hall.

I speed walk till I'm walking behind her.

I grab her wrist completely spinning her around revealing her bloodshot red eyes and trails of dried tears.

"Aria." I gently say to her not knowing how she'll react to my presence.

"Get the fuck off me asshole." she yells while crying.

"Come on Aria." I say lightly.

"I hate you." She yells in my face.

I could hear the hurt in her voice.

I don't even know if the "I Love You" is true at this point.

Grayson and the rest of my friends grab me by my shoulder and hold me back from Aria trying to give her space.

I can hear her sniffles from a far. I actually hurt her. Kayleah and Yazmein run towards her and I motion them to protect her since I need to give her space because of what happened between me and her and this whole situation. I still don't know where Perfect now. I don't know what's going to happen from now.


Aria's POV

3:00PM // School Hall

I rush over to see what's happening in the middle of the hall. I hear a person yelling and a tall person just listening. It looks like someone is breaking up ith someone, maybe the power couple of our school.


Is that Perfect? and Ethan?

I run past multiple people who was in the circle.

"Excuse me, Thank you" I smile to the person at the front.

"she doesn't need some man whore in her life to act like they care." I see Perfect yelling at Ethan.

I wonder who it's about? I wonder what this arguement is about? Is it about me? wait. it is. it's about me. I told Perfect about it. About wha-

"If I have to be honest, I am a man whore, but if I have to say yours was the best"

I heard that correctly.

"yours was the best"

He winked at her and smirked.

My heart tore into a million peices.

Each one is broken with hurt and betrayal.

I couldn't prevent myslef from crying about this douchebag.

He was a good guy.

at least I thought he was.

I don't know why I grew so attached to him so easily. Just because I cried to him. Fuck him.

I wipe the tear away from my cheeks try to make my way to the back of the crowd.

All eyes were on me now as I hear footsteps run towards me.

I start to walk faster knowing that it was Ethan.

I feel a tight grip grab me on my wrist which spins me around.

"Aria" he told be in a calming voice.

"Get the fuck off me asshole!" I screamed at him.

"Come on Aria." he said in a heartbreaking voice that made me want to leave even more.

"I hate you!" I cry out. Then I pushed the metal door out and ran down the stairs. Kayleah and Yazmein come out soon after, at this point I'm sobbing at the end of the stairs with my face cupped in my hands with my knees pressed up against my chest. They comforted me and hugged me until I stopped crying. They took me home and once again I walked into an empty cold house.

why did I grow so attached to him? He didn't even like me so I have no idea why I grew attached... shit. I said "I love you" to him. it was just an automatic response to people when I said bye. But it meant something, I just don't know why, and it pisses me the fuck off. We aren't even friends! Not even close! but somehow I do. Oh my fuck I still hate him though. He let me cry to him and I trusted him. Little did I know that they fucked! but it doesn't matter now because they've been here before me but the thing is is that he brought it up and acted sexual towards her. I don't know if I have a "crush" on him because everything that he does with a girl hurts me even though we aren't dating. I just don't know

I pulled out my phone to check the time.

"4:30pm // 6 Notifications : Text Messages : Grayson"

I pressed the rectangle power button on the side with all the strength I had left in my and took a nap on the couch.

I'm drained.

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