Chapter 28: 28 - Reunion

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About teleporting Samehada to Kamui's dimension, I didn't think of that when I was writing xD. Like I said he can so much it's hard to remember everything.

How Hinata was kidnapped you will see now in flashback.

Chapter 28 - Reunion

"Hey there...baa-chan (Grandmother)" Naruto said with a small smile as he was watching Tsunade and another girl who was with her, he had finally found the last bit of family he had. Although his grandmother was supposed to be around sixty years old she didn't look older than thirty and it was no lie when they said that Senju Tsunade was one of the most beautiful women on earth.

Tsunade was just staring at the blonde in front of her that had just decimated the field where they were standing. The moment he turned her breath got caught in her throat. The moment she saw what he looked like, that golden blonde hair, those deep blue eyes like an ocean and when Jiraiya called him Naruto she started shaking.

"He's a carbon copy of Minato with longer hair" Tsunade was thinking. After all this time she thought she was alone in this world, that her family was all gone and now she finds her grandson not even ten feet in front of her smiling at her.

Tsunade didn't know what to think or do and did the only thing she felt was right. She blurred right pass Jiraiya and Shizune and engulfed Naruto in a deep hug while crying in happiness.

"N-Naruto-kun" Tsuande whispered while hugging him fiercely as if he wasn't real. Tears were rolling off her eyes and falling to his shirt.

"B-Ba-Baa-chan" Naruto replied while sobbing and hugging her back. He had finally found family and he was happy that Tsunade didn't reject him or leave him if her reaction was anything to measure by.

Jiraiya and Shizune watched the scene with smiles on their faces. This was what Tsunade needed, she needed a small bit of her family back and she got it in the form of her long thought dead grandson.

They ended the hug and Tsunade cleaned her tears while her eyes were still red. She crouched in front of him. "Let me take a good look at you" Tsunade said. Her voice filled with so much happiness with was intoxicating. Naruto just chuckled and rubbed the back of his head much like his father did.

Tsunade was observing Naruto as best as she could. He had long blonde hair with bangs that framed his face and slightly covered his right eye. His eyes were deep blue like an ocean and he had three whiskers marks on each cheek.

"You are so cute" Tsuande squealed and hugged him again making the others sweat drop. "I bet you have a horde of fan girls back home" Tsunade said laughing. She seemed to have forgotten everything that had happened today. She was finally happy and didn't want to let go of this feeling.

"Speaking of girls" Naruto said breaking the hug. "I'll be right back" Naruto and swirled away into his eyes. Tsunade caught the blood red sharingan eyes but filed it for later questions.

Naruto reappeared not even a second later with a girl in his arms and a small fox on his shoulders. Hinata had already been healed and was now sleeping peacefully.

"Who is she?" Tsunade asked as she watched the girl that Naruto was carrying bridal style.

"She is Hyuuga Hinata, my girlfriend" Naruto explained and Tsunade nodded. He figured that a fine looking brat like him would already been snatched by someone but she would see if the girl was worthy it.

"She was kidnapped by Itachi and Kisame but I managed to get her back and summon a healing fox" Naruto explained and turned towards Tsunade. "Can you check her just to make sure?" Naruto asked and Tsunade bit her lips. As long there wasn't blood she would be fine.

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