Chapter 57: 57 - Quarter Finals

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Legacy Part 2

Jounin Exams Arc

Chapter 57 - Quarter Finals


"Welcome" the Raikage's deep and strong voice echoed through the arena. The arena, while much like the one on Konoha was significantly bigger. Almost a quarter mile in length with towering walls surrounding it and, of course, plenty of sitting places for the crowd.

"Welcome to the Jounin Exams" the Raikage continued, seeing that the noise had started dimming and everyone's attention was focused on him. The jounin exams, one of the biggest events possible in any of the great shinobi villages. This was so much bigger than the chunnin exams.

The village hosting the jounin exams received a large increase in their economics and politics. The jounin exams was, after all, a very important event. Only the best and brightest of each village were sent to these exams. Each village sent their best men and woman and displayed them to the world, much like the chunnin exams this one was a substitute for war.

The main reason as to why these exams were so much bigger than their counter part was for the spectacle. The competitors in the chunnin exams are only gennin, most charging straight forward without strategy, chucking kunais and shurikens wildly at their enemy, throwing wild punches and blind kicks until one finds their target.

No...these exams were so different. Every competitor was a chunnin, strong and qualified enough to pass the first two stages. Of the dozen of competitors only the cream of the crop were chosen, only the best of the best. Most of these chunnin had vast battle experience, and like the main point of this tournament, they had arrays of ninjutsu, perfect for entertaining the crowd, particularly one filled with leaders and daimyos who might fund Kumogakure.

"Today you are all in for a special treat" The Raikage shouted with a twinkle in his eyes, making the audience slightly chuckle. "We have two teams from Konoha, one from Iwa and another from our very own Kumo" the Raikage explained and noticing that the crowd understood he carried on. "They have proved themselves worthy of stepping into the arena and without further due I present you the contestants of the Jounin exams" the Raikage shouted and crowd started clapping as every single participant entered the arena.

"A strong introduction" the Raikage nodded in acknowledgement to the voice in his right as he sat down. The man sitting at the Raikage's right was none other than our very own ero-sennin as a certain blonde teen called him. Behind Jiraiya stood both Blue (Tobirama) and Green (Hashirama) posing as body guards.

"It's a shame that the Hokage couldn't attend" the Raikage said, testing the waters for the reasons behind Tsunade's absence.

"You know how it is. Being hokage is a full time job where even sleep sometimes is evasive" Jiraiya explained and the Raikage seemed to murmur something in agreement.

"Though you don't seem to miss the Tsuchikage" Jiraiya carefully threw out, interested in the Raikage's opinion. "I understand the Mizukage not being here since no Kiri team qualified but we have one from Iwa" Jiraiya explained.

"He's gotten old" the Raikage said offhandedly. "It's time for him to pass the torch into the next generation but you know him as well I do. He's a stubborn old man" the Raikage said and Jiraiya simply chuckled in agreement.

"It's starting"

## Arena ##

"Look sharp you fools" everyone competitor in the arena turned their attention towards the arriving kumo shinobi. The man had dark skin and a muscular build, as well as white hair and a goatee. On his right shoulder, he has a tattoo of the kanji for iron, and on his left cheek, he has a tattoo of a bull's horn.

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