Chapter 33: 33 - Path Set in Stone

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About the Susanoo he won't unlock it until shippuden. Like I've said, he will unlock Susanoo and rinnegan during his training trip.

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Legacy Part 1

Sasuke Retrieval Arc

Chapter 33 - Path Set in Stone

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## Suna ##

Sunagakure no Sato was bursting with activity. Their pain of losing so many shinobi to the leaf village had dulled a little bit but that wasn't why they were all cheering and celebrating. Today marked the day that the Godaime Kazekage would take his position as the leader of Suna and hopefully make better decisions than the last one.

Every single person was gathered around the Kazekage tower in the middle of Suna. The Kazekage tower was the biggest building in all of Suna and was the work place of the Kazekage, his assistant and all the other personal. On top of the tower a lone figure was seen approaching. He had long white robes with a green hat. On the hat was the Kanji for Godaime Kazekage.

The Kazekage removed his hat to show a man with two very distinctive red marks on the right side of his face, the only visible part of his head, with the rest being covered by his turban-like head gear and by a sheet hanging from it on the left side of his face. The man was Baki, the former sensei of Gaara, Temari and Kankuro, and now the new Kazekage of the Sand Village.

Baki raised his hands high into the air and signaled the population to calm down so he could begin his speech. "People of Sunagakure. I come to talk to you with a heavy heart. I know it's still fresh the wounds and pain of those who lost loved ones on a foolish attempt orchestrated by my predecessor." Baki started and most of the people lowered their heads.

"But" Baki yelled "Let's us not dwell in the past and let's look into a brighter future. As of now we are allied to Iwagakure since their Tsuchikage has agreed. We shall repay the leaf in kind" Baki said and a dark tone "But for now we shall focus on rebuilding and bringing our village back to its peak. I promise that from now on, I'll lead this village to the best of my capabilities as the Godaime Kazekage" Baki yelled and the crowd erupted in cheers.

"Go-dai-me! ...Go-dai-me!" The crowd cheered for the newly appoint leader.

## Konoha ##

Naruto and Hinata were walking home after Naruto had gobbled up almost ten bowls of ramen. To this day Hinata still wondered where the hell all of that went. It wasn't physically possible for someone to eat so much. It is known that the stomach stretches to accommodate the food but ten bowls is ridiculous. Being Naruto an expert in space-time techniques, Hinata wondered if his stomach had some seal that would store and released his ramen at a constant rate.

All kidding aside it's well known that Shinobi have a much faster metabolism that ordinary people. This is due to their work and their active chakra networks. To a normal human digestion takes about three hours while, to shinobi, it takes a mere hour. Naruto was a jinchuuriki which causes his metabolism to go into hyper drive. That was the reason Naruto could eat so much. By the time he reached his third/fourth bowl the first one he ate would already been digested and so on.

"That hit the spot" Naruto said rubbing his belly with Hinata giggling and clinging to his right arm.

"Don't you get tired of ramen?" Hinata asked shaking her head "You eat almost thirty bowls a week"

"How could you?" Naruto asked in a mock hurt "Ramen is the food of the gods" Naruto said with anime tears.

"I know, I know" Hinata replied still laughing.

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