Chapter 35: 35 - Revelations & Farewell

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Legacy Part 1

Sasuke Retrieval Arc

Chapter 35 - Revelations & Farewell

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## Konoha Gates ##

Tsunade, Mebuki and Jiraiya were standing at the gates awaiting the arrival of Naruto's team. Naruto had sent a message that they would be arriving at any time and, as such, Tsunade was by the gates with a couple of anbus ready to take Uchiha Sasuke into custody pending his trial. They were all blinded by a bright yellow flash. Once they regained their vision, they focused on the five shinobi standing in front of them.

They looked like they had been through some battle. Only Naruto and Hinata looked like they still had fighting capabilities. The others were sweating, with their clothes thrashed. Shikamaru seemed to be limping a little but everyone else was rather healthy. Nothing a night's rest of sleep wouldn't cure.

"Where is the Uchiha?" Tsunade asked confused. From what she understood, the mission was successful with the capture of Sasuke.

"Here" Naruto said and used his kamui to drop Sasuke into the ground.

"Thank you Naruto-san" Mebuki said and Naruto simply nodded. Mebuki slowly approached the Uchiha with a smile in her face. "This is for my daughter" Mebuki stated and kicked him hard in the balls making everyone male cringe at the sight. Even Akamaru whined.

"What the hell happened?" Tsunade asked looking towards the smoking Uchiha lying unconscious on the ground. "Don't tell me he gave you all this trouble?" Tsunade said pointing to their clothes and general fatigue.

"Orochimaru happened" Naruto replied and Tsunade's eyes widened. She had sent three gennin up against a sannin. Thank god no one died.

"Did you manage to kill him?" Jiraiya asked but Naruto sadly shook his head.

"He used the reverse summoning jutsu to escape" Naruto explained and Tsunade sighed. Orochimaru really was one slippery bastard but he would meet his end sometime. "But we did kill his four elite body guards as well another one called Kaguya Kimimaro, the last of the Kaguya Clan" Naruto explained and Tsunade nodded.

"Another thing" Naruto said and Tsunade motioned him to go continue "Orochimaru switched from vessel and can do hand seals again. He used the edo tensei to bring Kabuto back. Kabuto was fighting against us and I managed to obliterate him, but that won't stop Orochimaru from doing the jutsu again" Naruto explained and Tsunade sighed rubbing her temples.

"It doesn't matter at this point. Shikamaru can you walk?" Tsunade asked and he nodded "Report to the hospital for treatment. All of are dismissed. Naruto we have a council meeting to determine the fate of Uchiha Sasuke" Tsunade explained and everyone nodded. She turned to Sasuke who was being dragged away with an angry Mebuki running after the anbu.

"I'll see you at home Hinata-chan" Naruto said pecking her cheek and left to the hokage tower.

## Hokage Tower - Council Room ##

Once Naruto and Tsunade had arrived at the council room everyone was already assembled. Uchiha Sasuke was standing in the middle of the room bound with chakra suppressing tags and simple handcuffs. By his side was a single anbu guarding him. Any aggressive move from Sasuke and the anbu would end his life before the trial had even begun.

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