Chapter 36: 36 - Special Chapter - A True God Rises

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I still haven't decided on Madara's final fate. Sasuke will meet his end, you just need to wait and see. He will be reminded how far he stands from Naruto when he has his Susanoo crushed beneath the foot of Naruto's perfect Susanoo. *cough* foreshadowing *cough*

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Legacy Part 3/2

Chapter 36 - Special Chapter - A True God Rises

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Things you should now before this chapter:

Yoton (Yang Release) - based on the physical energy that governs vitality, can be used to breathe life into form.

Inton (Yin Release) - techniques based on the spiritual energy that governs the imagination, can be used to create form out of nothingness.

Onmyoton (Yin-Yang Release)- techniques that combine both Yang and Yin release.

I'm changing Tsunade's Yin Seal to Yang Seal as it doesn't make sense. Tsunade releases the seal to speed up the cell division. Yang release is responsible for vitality while Yin is for creation. Tsunade isn't creating anything as the cells already exist, she's is simply speeding up their division and thus healing herself.

Now. The Senju Clan never did receive a 'bloodline' from the sage. While anyone can use both Yang and Yin released separately, I'm making both Senju and Uchiha clans more talented in using Yang and Yin release respectively. The Senju Clan have strong bodies due to their 'higher affinity', if you could call it that, to yang release while the Uchihas have Yin released for their sharingan and genjutsu.

Yang release is the reason why the mokuton bloodline is so unique. It creates actual living trees and not some dead thing. Hashirama combines earth, water and the yang element to 'create' life in the trees he uses.

The true power of the rinnegan is that allows the use of Yin-Yang Release. According to Wiki, Madara created the Zetsu using that. I'm making Naruto a complete master of this to a level that Madara won't be able to reach for a very simple reason. Naruto has Senju and Uchiha dna in perfect balance while Madara simply injected Senju cells in himself.


What is a god? Is it a being that is immortal? If that is true you might say a certain type jellyfish might be considered a god as it has the potential for immortality. Is it a being that knows everything? If that so, then the Yamanaka could be considered gods as they have the ability to read thoughts and control another's actions. Is it a being that can give and take life as he pleases? If so, than Pein might be considered a god as he can give life to those recently departed. Is someone that can be at all places at once? Then Naruto could be considered a god with shadow clones and hirashin.

There are different religions through the world but in ours a god is considered someone who can be everywhere, omnipresent, know everything including peoples thoughts, omniscient and someone who is all powerful. With this three requisites the god can do anything he wishes. And now, Naruto is about to achieve just that.

## Land of Iron ##

Two years had passed since Naruto, Gaara and Jiraiya had left Konoha in their training trip. Hyuuga Hinata had also recently joined them since she had finished her training with Senju Tsunade earlier. Hinata was a true prodigy in medicine but also in combat. Armed with her byakugan eyes, she could instantly diagnose any type of injury or disease anyone carried.

Her eyes seemed to improve her chakra control beyond normal standard of ordinary shinobi. Her chakra control and reserves were on par with Tsunade as was her knowledge of medical techniques and Tsunade's monstrous strength. She also received the Slug Contract from Tsunade as she had no one to pass it to, thus making Hinata Tsunade's heir and apprentice.

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