Chapter 32: 32 - Fire Temple

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I took longer to update because I decided to finish this arc in one chapter instead of multiple ones. The reason was because I didn't know where to split the chapter without being too much action or too much filler. ALMOST 16K words...have fun

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Legacy Part 1

Fire Temple Arc

Chapter 32 – Fire Temple

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## Konoha's North Gate ##

There were five people near the north gates of Konoha. They were Senju Naruto, Hyuuga Hinata, Uchiha Sasuke, Nara Shikamaru and their client Kenshin. Kenshin was the fire daimyo's grandson and Konoha was tasked to escort him to the fire temple where he would rendezvous with the guardian twelve.

"Alright now that we are all here let's take this from the top" Naruto said looking at his team "Supply check" Naruto ordered.

"100 shurikens, 10 fuuma shurikens, 100 kunais, 20 explosive tags, one medical kit, one sleeping bag, 10 food bars, 10 food pills and 10 soldier pills" Sasuke said and Naruto nodded turning to Shikamaru.

"Troublesome...50 shurikens, 50 kunais, 10 explosive tags, 5 smoke bombs, one medical kit, one sleeping bag, 10 food bars, 10 food pills and 10 soldier pills" Shikamaru said and Naruto nodded.

"I have 100 shurikens, 100 senbons, 100 kunais, one advanced medical kit, one sleeping bag, food bars, food pills and soldier pills" Hinata said and Naruto nodded turning to Kenshin.

"What?" Kenshin asked.

"What do you mean what?" Naruto rhetorically asked "Don't you at least have a bag for sleeping and some food?" Naruto asked and Kenshin shrugged his shoulders.

"It's your job to escort me so I assumed that I was taken care of" Kenshin stated and Naruto sighed.

"Hold here...I'll go home get some more supplies" Naruto said.

"You are going home now... what are we supposed to do in the mean time?" Kenshin asked.

"Relax...I'll be back in a flash" Naruto said and ironically disappeared in a yellow flash. Five minutes later he returned with another supply kit.

"Damn shinobi...the world would be better off without them" Kenshin thought to himself.

"We will be travelling in a loose diamond formation. Shikamaru on the back for support, me and Sasuke to the sides, Hinata you take the lead" Naruto ordered and everyone nodded. "Hinata, five hundred meter sweep every two minutes" Naruto said and she nodded.

"Kotetsu" Naruto called out towards one of the gate keepers "Sign us out" Naruto said and handed him the mission form with the permit to leave the village.

"You are clear to go Naruto...good luck" Kotetsu said.

"Let's move out" Naruto said and they started walking out of the Konoha towards the fire temple. It would take a few days for them to arrive at the fire temple travelling by civilian pace.

## 2 Days into the Mission – Middle of Fire Country ##

Naruto's team and their client were travelling peacefully and in just two days they were already at about half the distance. Kenshin didn't know how to properly use chakra neither had the stamina of a shinobi so they had to stop every couple of hours so he could rest.

They had offered him to be carried but he refused. Naruto even offered him to stay and rest inside Naruto's dimension while they travelled at shinobi speed but he refused as well. According to Kenshin, Naruto's dimension was scary, dark, cold and lonely. It felt as if he was in a horror movie, too scared to even move.

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