Chapter 44: 44 - The Real Hunter

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Legacy Part 2

Rescue Fuu Arc

Chapter 44 - The Real Hunter


## Previously ##

"They will not be coming" Everyone flinched at the new voice. All Akatsuki members shifted their attention from Zetsu and towards the new comer who was standing in the place of Kakuzu.

The new holographic image had long blonde, waist length, spiky hair with fangs that framed his face and partially covered his right eye. He also had three distinctive whiskers marks on each cheek. On his back he had a wide fan with three blood red tomoes on each side; it had a long handle with bandages wrapped around the base. The main part of the weapon was light brown with the edges being black.

"Let's talk" Naruto said smirking with his sharingan glowing and looking at the shocked faces of every Akatsuki member.

## Now ##

Naruto was standing in front of his supposed hunters. Everyone looked shocked at the presence of the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki, although the stoic Uchiha Itachi couldn't help but manage a small smile. They were all holograms with the exception of Tobi and some plant like creature.

"Welcome...Naruto-kun" Itachi said quietly chuckling. So quiet that if it weren't from the petrified faces of everyone, no one would have heard it.

"I've gotta say" Naruto started carefully looking at every single member of the Akatsuki, keeping in mind to remember every detail he could. He looked around and saw that every single person adorned the traditional Akatsuki cloak, black cloak with red clouds.

Beginning at this right he spotted someone who was arched down. Naruto couldn't see much of him as he had his face covered with a facemask, similar to Kakashi in fact. Behind his body he had a tail menacingly waving. It was a long mechanical, scorpion-like tail.

Next to him was a blond man. He had slanted blue eyes and very long blond hair which he wore drawn into a half ponytail with the rest hanging down freely. The bang hanging over his left eye. He also had mouths in each of the palms of his hands that seemed to freak Naruto. Naruto quickly realized who this was from his appearance. He was Deidara the bomber, S-rank Nukenin from Iwa.

Standing next to Deidara was a person Naruto new all too well. Said person was Tobi, whose only visible sharingan eye was narrowing at Naruto. Naruto could feel his hatred for the blonde and Tobi was watching him very carefully. Tobi only shivered as he looked at the smirking face of Naruto. Everything about him screamed Uchiha Madara. His posture, his appearance, and the way he fought. If it weren't for their different personalities they could pass for twins.

Naruto continued looking around and near Tobi was...something. He had two large venus fly-trap like extensions that envelop his head and upper body, giving him a plant-like appearance. Said extensions were slightly opened at the top reveling what seemed to be a head of a person. Although this head was half black and half white, split perfectly in the middle. He had short green hair and yellow eyes.

Naruto repressed a shiver after seeing the weird things Akatsuki had but continued. Naruto looked towards the remaining members standing in front of him. There were two members that he already fought and knew well. Hoshigaki Kisame, Nukenin of the mist village, wielder of the Samehada and Uchiha Itachi, Nukenin from the Leaf Village and master of the Sharingan bloodline.

Nothing new there so Naruto turned his attention to the last two members. He was surprised to see a female in such group but observed her as well. This woman had blue hair, amber colored eyes, lavender eye shadow, and a labret piercing. Although everyone seemed shocked to see Naruto appearing in the middle of the cave she had a neutral face.

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