Chapter 30: 30 - Home At Last

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I already decided on the next arc and will be mostly AU with some parts that will be necessary for the story line.

Chapter 30 - Home At Last

## Konoha ##

In the busy streets of Konoha we find three fourteen girls walking calmly and carelessly. All of them had bags on their hands meaning they had been shopping. One of the girls had blonde hair tied in a ponytail and was wearing purple clothing, the other girl had an unusual hair color, pink. Her clothes were also of the same color. The last girl had black hair tied in two buns and brown eyes. She was wearing Chinese style shirt with dark green pants.

"That was fun" Ino said to her friends. It had been a while since they managed to hang out all together. With all their team training it was hard to snuggle a couple hours of fun all together.

"Yes. We haven't hanged out since the chuunin exams" Sakura replied. "Sasuke-kun and Kiba were busy today so I'm glad we took this chance" Sakura said. With Sasuke being constantly trained by Kakashi and Kiba being trained by his clan she sometimes felt out of place when with her team.

"Well, I normally don't have much trouble with my team. Shikamaru is a lazy ass, how he got promoted is beyond me" Ino said shaking her head "And then there is Chouji who is always eating. All they want is to be left alone and Asuma-sensei doesn't give much work after team meetings so I have plenty of free time" Ino happily said.

"Lucky team if full of freaks" Tenten said sighing. "Gai-sensei and Lee are both freaks always yelling about the flames of youth. I swear they could pass as father and son" Tenten said shaking her head "At least there's Neji-kun" Tenten said a bit happier now.

"Neji-kun is it?" Ino asked teasing her friend. It was a known fact that Tenten didn't openly chased after boys as she was more devoted to training.

"W-Wh-What?" Tenten asked stuttering and trying to hide her blush.

"You have a crush on Neji...admit it" Sakura said joining the fray.

"Fine...I like him" Tenten said crossing her arms.

"Tell us more" Ino said giddy, wanting some juicy details.

"Well...he's very cute and strong. I had a crush on him since the Academy but he was always a jerk but since the chuunin's exams he's way better" Tenten said with stars in her eyes. "I don't know...I just want to be around him and since he forgot about that fate crap and I enjoy his company even more" Tenten explained.

"Awwwww" Ino and Sakura fawned. They finally got to cracker her shell.

"I guess I owe Hinata a thank you" Tenten said as she reflected on Neji's match against Hinata.

"And then there is Hinata and Naruto. Who would have figured out that the supposed dead-last loud mouth would have hooked up with the supposed shy girl who had a crush on him" Ino said.

"They hid their relationship from everyone" Sakura said. "All that time he kept pestering me for dates was nothing more than lies" Sakura said sighing.

"Don't tell me you are going for Naruto now?" Ino asked in disbelief.

"No...I'm faithful to my Sasuke-kun" Sakura instantly said.

"Your Sasuke-kun?" Ino asked with a tick mark.

"Alright, alright girls" Tenten said before this could escalate and they started bitch slapping each other in the middle of the street.

"But you got to admit...they make a cute couple" Tenten said. Hinata and Naruto made a very cute couple. Naruto was loud and Hinata was quiet. They were perfect for each other like Yin and Yang.

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