✿Chapter 3: To the Beach!

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Kido POV

It's been a few months since that incident between me and Kano occurred. I kicked him out of his own room after he tried to take things farther... He acted as if nothing really happened between me and him after that, and I played along. It's May now.  He still teases me now and then, and he's still there for me, but it still feels wrong. Why did I push him away?

Everytime we talk it would be awkward, but he would just dismiss the awkwardness and talk to me normally. I wonder how he really feels about this. If only he wasn't so selfish at the time.. I thought he said he loved me, so why is he pushing me away now? But, then again, I'm doing the same thing, especially after telling him that I loved him, too.

Mary and Seto are still dating. It's pretty nice, and they seem to love each other a lot. Of course, the group teases them at times, but they still do almost everything together and stuff.

"Kido! You ready~?" I heard Momo yell from downstairs. We were all heading to the beach, since Momo had a concert there, and it was a good chance for all of us to hang out and have a small vacation.

"Almost! Wait a sec," I put a water bottle inside my black backpack, and put on my hoodie. I would feel naked without it, so I just have to wear it, even though it's too hot. I had a black tank top and jean shorts on. I grabbed a hair tie and pulled my hair up in a side ponytail. Then I pulled the sleeves of my jacket up, grabbed my bag, and walked out the door. I met up with the others outside of the HQ. The weather was incredibly nice. Hot, but it was pleasant, almost calming.

On the street, I saw a large white tour bus with Momo's face imprinted on it parked in front of the headquarters, and I almost forgot. Of course we would go there in some fancy ride. The door opened, and I saw Shintaro in the front, who seemed to be the one who would drive the bus.

"You guys ready?" Shintaro asked. We all yelled in astonishment and ran towards the door. Ene was there, too, and was dressed in her bathing suit already. She had a towel around her waist, and sunglasses.

"Get in, or we're leaving you behind~," she said while winking and holding her hand out and making a peace sign with her fingers. I chuckled.

"You heard her. Let's go!" I said and ran after the group. Once I walked in, I was welcomed by cold air.

"Oi, Kisaragi, turn down the AC, would you? It's freaking cold," I complained. Shintaro shrugged and turned it down.

I looked around, and saw that Konoha and Hibiya were all the way in the back, watching the news on a small portable TV. Ene was chatting up a storm with Hiyori and Momo in the front, making Shintaro annoyed as he drove the bus. Kano was by himself, listening to music while looking out the window. We made eye contact, but I quickly looked away. I looked back seconds later, and saw that he seemed to be texting someone. I sighed and sat closest to the drivers seat. Seto was near Kano and was talking quietly with Mary.

"I didn't know you knew how to drive a bus," I said to Shintaro, while trying to distract myself from Kano.

"It's not as hard as you think. Plus, Momo pays me in soda, so I'm okay with driving." I chuckled.

"Of course you would." I looked out the window. It's been a while since I've been at the beach. I wonder what Momo and Shintaro think about it. It was a place that would remind them of how their father died, after all...

"Tsubomi?" Shintaro snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I said quickly.

"Can you tell Kano to come here for a bit? He said he would help me with the directions on how to get to the beach, and I need his help now."

Love and Lies ✿(KidoxKano & MaryxSeto)✿Where stories live. Discover now