✿Chapter 11: Chaotic Dinner- Phase One

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Kido POV

I tried looking for Mary in the kitchen, but it seems she's more focused on her plants in the kitchen as well as cooking. Maybe I'll clean up a bit so Mary and Seto could set up the dining table. It seems like Kano and Seto placed everything inside, which is good since it started drizzling a bit. Nonetheless, it feels super hot and humid inside of our home. I might have to invest in some fans.

I say that like we even have the money for luxury. Haha. Ha.


I might as well give up for today and go to sleep. I would skip dinner and just fall asleep, but I think everyone is looking forward to our first dinner at our new house, so I'll just try my best to keep myself up.

Tea! I'll heat up some water for tea and offer it to everyone. Well, everyone except Kano, who hates tea with a passion. To think that I know these small things about him, but it still feels like I don't know him that well.

Narrator POV

"Ready?" Hiyori asked Kano.

"Yep," He replied, making sure no one was listening. They had been conspiring in the hallway, but no one seemed to really notice.

Everyone had migrated to the living room, waiting to eat dinner. Mary and Seto decided to go a little crazy with dinner and make a Mexican-inspired cuisine, which consisted of quick and easy-to-make quesadillas, huevos rancheros (even though it was dinner time), chicken tacos with pico de gallo and freshly made horchata. They used everything they had from their fridge, though this meant that Mary would have to go to the grocery store sooner than intended. It felt worth it, though, in order to celebrate today's successful moving day.

Hiyori made her way into the noisy living room, towards Hibiya. "Hey, did Tsubomi tell you?" Hiyori asked. 

"Tell me what?" Without looking up from his phone, Hibiya replied with a question, which slightly irked Hiyori, but she went on.

"Us girls are having a sleepover, and since she said it was okay for us to be loud, you guys are totally okay to play video games all night."

"Really?!" At this, Hibiya looked up. "Are you sure you didn't misunderstand her?"

Hiyori eagerly nodded her head no. Enthusiastically, she added, "Nope! And if you want, you guys can come up to the attic and listen to music with us! We might also watch movies, but we're-"

"Woah, woah, woah," behind Hiyori was Momo, who seemed to be having none of what Hiyori was saying. "I thought we agreed this was a girls-only sleepover."

Hiyori nervously glanced at Kano from across the room. He sensed something was wrong, so he began to make his way to the trio. This has not been part of their plan, and Hiyori blamed herself for not thinking this far into this phase of the plan.

"Well, I guess we don't want to be part of your sleepover anyway," retorted Shintaro, who had been listening in. This was the beginning of a war between siblings, and Hiyori did not like where this was going.

"Momo," begged Hiyori, "can't you make an exception? Wouldn't it be fun?"

" I guess," Momo said hesitantly, "but we almost never got girl-time at our old place."

"I get that, but don't worry, we'll have plenty of those days in the future," Hiyori's voice felt scarily persuasive, but Momo still seemed reluctant to accept.

"Hey," Kano greeted everyone with a wide smile. "Seto said he got the wifi connected sooner than expected, which means we can all watch Netflix tonight!"

"I want to watch The Final Table. Or The Great British Baking Show." Konoha said in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear, although it was very monotone as always.

"I want to watch the new season of Black Mirror," replied Ene.

"As long as I can eat popcorn to my heart's content!" Answered Seto, who had entered the living room with Mary, carrying plates full of hot food. Everyone seemed to relax and become joyful at the sight of the food.

Everyone rushed to the dining table on the other side of the living room. Before everyone got comfortable in their seats, though, Momo seemed to be talking to Hibiya and Shintaro, and they all began laughing with each other and talking about what they would do tonight.

"It seems like phase one went okay," Hiyori said to Kano.

"Mhm. Time for the next phase!" Secretly, They both high-fived each other.

Author's note: I entered this for the Wattys! I've never done that before, nor do I know how it works, but Ima just experiment and see what happens. The Kagepro fandom is so not dead, so maybe this'll get enough attention to at least be recognized as good fanfiction lol. Please tell me what you want to see in the future for this story because I want it to end with our ships being totally in love and happy lmao

And let me know what you think of the title change! I felt like this story will be found easier if it has the ships in the title, and I've always done that for my other stories... but idk if it'll help haha

Thanks for reading!

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