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He walked through the pouring rain and cursed himself for not even taking a jacket.

Completely soaked, he finally sat down in the train. Just three stops. But still, the ride seemed awfully long to him and each time the train stopped, people appeared to get on and off even slower than before.

Finally, he reached the right stop and Miles jumped off the train. When he eventually stood in front of the door of Scott's apartment, he was completely out of breath, but nevertheless banged on the door multiple times.

"I'm coming, jesus", Scott's annoyed voice sounded from inside the apartment, then he opened the door and his eyes widened.

"Scott, can we please talk?", Miles begged and Scott looked him up and down.

Miles stood there, shaking, soaked and exhausted and bit his lip, so Scott gave in: "Okay, come in ..."

Miles followed him into the living room and Scott gave him a sweater, which Miles put on gratefully.

Now Scott was standing there, without saying anything, looking down at the floor with his arms crossed.

"It's not what you think it is ...", Miles began, but Scott interrupted him: "I know what it's about."

Miles was confused, how could he know?

Scott shook his head in disbelief: "I can't believe you're doing something like that ... you're killing people!"

Miles stared at him for a moment. Did he know about vampires? But how?

"They aren't humans", he slowly said, watching Scott's reaction, but Scott only scoffed and glared at him angrily.

He knew.

Miles sighed and tried to explain: "Listen, I hate all of this, too! But I have to protect people and those vampires in the club had already killed someone, they were too dangerous!"

Scott avoided his eyes. "How ... how did it start? You doing this ..."

"My whole family does it. My dad ... he trained us from the beginning", Miles admitted.

Scott remembered: "So that's why you always moved and why he didn't want you to be distracted ..."

Miles nodded, then they were silent.

Eventually, Miles pleaded: "Say something ..."

"I don't know what to say", Scott whispered and Miles hesitantly asked: "Do you hate me now?"

Slowly, Scott shook his head and Miles was at least a little relieved: "I don't care if you're distracting me and I never wanted this to cause any problems between us. I mean, it doesn't have anything to do with us ..."

Scott nodded, his jaw clenched tightly.

"Am I right?", Miles asked and Scott lied: "Yeah."

"I'm so sorry that you had to see this and that it ruined our night", Miles apologized again.

Shortly after, Miles left and when Scott had closed the door behind him, he leant against it and closed his eyes: "Oh shit."

Deathly Desire *english*Where stories live. Discover now