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The following week Miles did not spent much time at home. In the afternoons, he usually met Scott and Nate and on the weekend he and Scott even went on a bowling-double-date with Nate and Gwen.

When he came home from school on tuesday, Miles went to his room right away, to take a nap.

Although he had been going to High School for a couple weeks now, he was still far from getting used to it. Never had he expected it to be so exhausting to sit around all day listening to boring stuff.

And he did not even take homework that serious, he either did not do it at all or he copied it from Scott before lessons. How Scott was able to do all this was still a mystery to Miles.

On the other hand, Scott did not have to spent so much time with hunting vampires ...

Miles put on something more comfortable and then slipped under the covers. He fell asleep right away, but unfortunately his nap did not last long.

Annoying noises woke him up and when he opened his eyes, he saw Claire, Logan and Sammy sitting right in fron of his bed.

"What the-", startled, Miles sat up and stared at his siblings in shock. Why the hell were they sitting here creepily, while he was sleeping?!

"Sibling talk!", Claire called out enthusiastically and Miles groaned: "You've gotta be kidding me ..."

"Not exactly", Logan said and Claire added: "We finally want to hear details about your boyfriend!"

Miles sighed and leant back into his pillow: "Can't we do that another time ..."

"Nope", Logan shook his head. "You'll never tell us anything then!"

"Exactly", Sammy agreed, "We must share secrets!"

"Great", Miles muttered, "Fine, his name's Scott. Wow, what else do you wanna know?"

"How did you meet?", Logan suggested.

"At school", Miles replied sleepily. "We are ... were ... are friends."

"And when did you become a couple?", Claire exitedly clapped her hands like a child that finally got the ice cream it had waited for.

"Um, I don't know ..."

Sammy was now grinning, too: "And have you kissed him yet?"

"Mhm, definitely!", Claire answered instead of Miles.

Logan was now looking at Miles questioningly: "Why did you never say anything about it?"

"Yeah", Claire supported him, "now give us the juicy details!"

"There's nothing to tell", Miles groaned. He just wanted to go bed to sleep instead of enduring this embarrasing interrogation by his siblings ...

"Guys, I'm tired", he whined, but Claire was persistant: "So what do you two do when you're with him? I mean, you've got his apartment all to yourself ..."

"God, Claire!", Logan rolled his eyes, but she just shrugged: "What? This is so cuuuute!"

Miles felt his cheeks turn red and he muttered: "I'm not talking to you about that!"

"Uhhh", Claire squeeked, "That already says a lot!"

"When are you going to tell Mom and Dad?", Logan wanted to know and Miles shrugged: "I don't know, it doesn't matter ..."

"Whaaat", Claire suddenly called out, "It does matter!"

Sammy supported her: "You have to introduce your boyfriend to them!"

"I don't have to do anything", Miles closed his eyes and wished for his siblings to disappear, but although he had tried that a lot in the past, he apparently still had not developed superpowers that could make them disappear. Too bad.

"If you really like him that much, you'll have to tell them", Claire insisted, "I mean, he's already in on the family secret."

"What?!", Logan now interrupted her.

"I had no choice", Miles quickly explained. "He saw what we did in that club ... but it won't be a problem!"

"He should definitely meet Mom and Dad, then", Logan now agreed with his other siblings and Miles groaned again: "Okay, fine! Now would you please let me sleep?"

And FINALLY they left his room.

Beyond happy, Miles closed his eyes, only to be woken up again after a few minutes.

"Miiiiiiiles, dinner's ready!", Claire yelled, although she was standing right next to him.

Frustrated, Miles groaned and slowly got up. Great.

When the whole family had gathered around the dinner table, Logan, Claire and Sammy were grinning like idiots the whole time. Miles tried to ignore them and just eat his food, but Dad noticed, too, and eventually asked: "What is up with you guys tonight?"

"Oh", Claire smiled, "Miles wants to tell you something!"

Miles sighed: "Can't I at least eat in peace, first?"

"No", Sammy said right away, "no, you can't."

"What is it, love?", Mom was now interested. Miles focussed on the steak in front of him and then muttered: "They want me to introduce you to my friend ..."

"Friend?", Dad repeated and Mom was excited: "Sure, I'd love to meet some of your friends! None of you are ever bringing someone here."

Logan cleared his throat: "Not just a friend."

Now Claire blurted out: "Boyfriend!"

Mom and Dad were quiet, until Miles raised his head to look at them.

Suddenly Mom got up, ran around the table and hugged him: "Oh, I'm so happy for you!"

Miles awkwardly hugged her back: "Um, yeah ... thanks?"

Dad frowned and did not say anything.

"Dad?", Miles turned to him.

"I'm not so sure if I approve of this ...", Dad doubted and suddenly Claire jumped up: "What's most important is that he is happy, no matter with whom! If you have a problem with that you're an ignorant asshole. This is your son and you're supposed to love him, no matter who he loves and you should accept him!"

Deathly Desire *english*Where stories live. Discover now