The Call

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A/N: Lili and Cole have known eachother since they were kids and share an apartment in L.A. Yes They are dating but neither of them are famous. They are both waiting for call backs from their audition for riverdale. Lili and cami are also best friends and Cole knows cami through lili but the rest of the cast are strangers to eachother.



Lili and Cole are waiting patiently in the modern apartment waiting for a life changing call from the directors of Riverdale. They both auditioned for parts, Cole for Jughead and Lili for Betty. They were both pottering around patiently trying to keep themselves busy.


Lili: Cole have you had a callback yet?
Cole: no I have not, you?
Lili: nope.
Cole: Speak of the devil. I'll be back in two.

As Cole left the room my phone also started to ring.

Lili: hello?
Random person: Hi, is this Lili Reinhart?
Lili: Yes this is she
Random person: Well you were really good in you audition for Betty Copper but unfortunately there is another person who has been picked. However you are going to be our first call if the other person casted cannot comply.
Lili: oh okay, thank you anyway
Random person: Thanks for your time and I hope you have a good rest of the day.

Well... That's great. I sat down on the edge of the sofa, tears threatening to spill.

Cole: Lili, guess what!
Lili: what?
Cole: I got the part of Jughead!

When cole said that I couldn't hold it in anymore so I started to cry. As soon as cole notices he ran up to me and hugged me.

Cole: Hey, what's wrong?
Lili: I didn't get the part. I just feel worthless and terrible at acting. I have been turned down now 5 times in a row.
Cole: your amazing at acting people just haven't seen the best of you yet.
Lili: you always know what to say don't you?
Cole: Well that's what I'm here for. How about I take you on a date later? I have to go for a meeting with the rest of the cast now but we can go out later yeah?
Lili: okay.
Cole: I love you
Lili: I love you too

Cole kissed me pationatly for a solid minuite until he pulled away and said that he had to go.


I feel really bad for lili. I know that she really wanted that part considering she has been turned down so many times all ready. I know that she will get cast somewhere she is very good at acting so I don't know why she didn't get casted. As I walk up to the offices I bump into a very familiar face.

Cole: cami?
Cami: cole? What are you doing here?
Cole: I got casted for Jughead you?
Cami: I got casted for Veronica. I'm guessing lili didn't get chosen?
Cole: no, but I don't know why she was amazing at acting
Cami: I know, but something tells me that the person who did get picked isn't very nice.

After my chat with cami we walked into the room we were meeting at. It was quiet not an uncomfortable quiet a nice type of quiet. As soon as we entered all he'll broke loose.

Roberto: hey guys! Nice to meet you. All we are waiting for is Ella to turn up.

Soon after a short girl with blonde curly hair walks in.

Ella: God that was one hell of a walk. Let's get this thing started. I'll go first. Hi I'm Ella. I am 20. I am an amazing actor and I'm not surprised that I got picked for the part because all of the other people that auditioned were probably low life's trying to find a bit of fame but weren't going to end up anywhere.
Cole: Well one of those 'low lives' happens to be my girlfriend
Cami: and my bestfriend.
Cole: so I suggest you shut up before we both say something that we are going to regret.
Roberto: guys calm down. Ella I suggest that you shut up because I can quite easily fire you from the job. And just to let you know the only reason your here is because you are my niece and you can't seem to keep a job long enough to pay the rent. I can also assure you that the reserve we have was 10 times better than you but I owe your dad that is why I'm doing this.
Ella: first of all I appreciate that uncle Rob second of all, you with the brown hair called Cole? I think you should ditch that bitch you call a girlfriend and go on a date with me.

That really heated me up, I mean why would you say that about someone you don't even know. Before I could say anything another guy called KJ pipes up and says something before I can.

KJ: That is extremely disrespectful towards Cole's girlfriend considering you don't even know her and I don't think the poorest man on earth would want to go on a date with you if that's how your going to treat everyone around you.

I can tell that me and KJ are really going to be great friends.

Roberto: Ella I know I'm doing your dad a favor but I can't have you working with me. I'm sorry.
Ella: fine by me. They all seem to hate me.
Cole: I wonder Why

I mumbled that but I am pretty sure that cami heard.

Roberto: Alex, who was that exceptional young girl that auditioned the other day. I want her as betty.
Alex: Lili Reinhart?
Roberto: Yeah her, she was increadible.
Cami: wait Lili is going to be Betty?
Roberto: Yes do you know her?
Cole: Yeah I do too. I'm going to pick her up. She can't get here otherwise. I've got the car.
Roberto: wait is lili your girlfriend?
Cole: Yes she is.
Roberto: quick go get her I want to meet her.

L I L I ' S   P O V

I as just sat at home watching netflix when the door swung open.
I instantly knew who it was

Lili: hey babe
Cole: Lili get your jacket and shoes on your coming with me.
Lili: Why?
Cole: because darling you are playing the famous betty cooper.
Lili: wait what?
Cole: the other girls was a bitching about you so she got fired plus she was only cast because it was favor for her dad.
Lili: seriously?
Cole: seriously

Cole and I got in the car and drove to the offices and jumped straight out of the car and ran as fast as we could to the room we were meeting in. Cole opened the door and the first thing I saw was a group of four people arguing. However I did notice my best friend cami.

Cami: Lili?
Lili: cami!
Lili: Yeah?
Cami: yeah!!
Ella: so this is the ugly slut that stole my job
Lili: I suggest that you stop with name calling and get out because clearly you are not wanted here. I can also tell everyone here that dreaded secret that you don't want anyone knowing about.
Ella: OMG lili, I didn't know that was you. I'm so so so sorry I didn't mean that. I'll leave now.
Cole: you know her?
Lili: We went to swimming classes together when we were younger. She is supposed to be my friend but I guess she lost that title when sh called me an ugly slut.
KJ: what was the secret?
Cami: KJ!
KJ: what?
Lili: no it's fine. She was at a swimming comp and was really nervous that she peed herself in Front of hundreds of people then everyone in the class we were in called her pissy pants.
KJ: That's actually hillarious.

After that we all got on really well and decided to all go out for dinner. I can tell that we are all going to get on really well.

A/n: just to let you know I have no hate towards anyone called Ella It was just the first name that popped into my head😂😂

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