Mama Im In Love With a Criminal

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If you wanted to live in a town that was quiet and peaceful, one where everybody got along with each other, then Riverdale was not your town. You see there was two sides of town, the Northside and the Southside. The Northside was full of rich preppy townspeople with their white picket fences houses. It was almost guaranteed that their children had a grade average over 4.0. Then there was the Southside. They weren't rich and they didn't have big expensive houses or high paying jobs. There was also the misfit gang of criminals, called the Southside Serpents. The Southside serpents often got slated by Alice Cooper who always blames them for the crimes that went on in the small, sleepy town.

You see the thing about the Southside serpents is that they weren't actually criminals. They never did the crimes, they only went along with it because it gave them a bad rep. Sure, they sold weed and drugs but nothing hardcore. Jughead Jones was their leader, covered in tattoos, black wavy hair, the leather jacket. He made all the girls swoon. All the guys wanted to be him. He was the towns bad boy. The thing about bad boys though is that they all have a soft underbelly. And Jughead Jones? Well his was Betty Cooper.

Betty and jughead had been dating for 3 years. They have kept it a secret because they knew that the town would never let them be together especially Alice Cooper. All jughead wanted was to keep Betty safe and he knew that if anybody knew about them she would have the biggest target on her back. Jughead couldn't have that. He loved her with all his heart just as much as she loved him. They also knew if Alice Cooper found out that, Betty would be shipped off to the sisters of quiet mercy. What's the sisters of quiet mercy may ask? Well a bunch of nuns whi think they can abuse children into acting a correct way. That is what neither of them wanted. The thing is, it was only a matter of time before someone found out. Betty knew that her mom would flip if she found out about Betty and Jughead's relationship if she found out from anybody else. Which is why Betty is sat with her mom right now.

“Mom, I need to tell you something" Betty stated.
"What is it honey?" alice replied. "Mama I'm in love with a criminal'. Betty cried. "What do you mean?" alice asked. "You know jughead Jones? I'm dating him and I love him" betty cried again. Alice didn't say anything she just stood up and walked out the room. Betty was confused until she heard her mom on the phone. Alice was planning on sending Betty to the sisters regardless. It was obvious that was not what Alice wanted from betty. Betty texted Jughead saying that her mom was sending her to the sisters and that she needed help. Before she knew it, Betty was being thrown into a large white van. This is when Betty knew she was screwed.

It had been a normal day for Jughead, other than the fact that his girlfriend was talking to her mom about their relationship. Jughead was scared and he's never been scared in his life. He knew he would help Betty whatever the outcome was. Which is why when a text from Betty saying her mum was sending her to the sisters came through, he decided to tell the serpent's about their relationship . At first there had been outraw. People were furious. Out of all the people their leader could have gone for he went for Northsider. This is when Jughead reminded them that they always help there family and Betty was his. The gang of Bikers realised how desperate Jughead sounded. They could see that this boy loved this girl, so they decided to help him. 
" I need somebody to call Kevin Keller, fangs you know him talk to him" Jughead demanded. "Cheryl, Toni you have both been inside the sisters, I need you to make a plan of getting in and out easily." Jughead demanded again. "Sweet Pea, Fangs and dad you will come with me to get Betty. If any if the nuns get in the way, we put them down." Jughead demanded one last time. Every one nodded and got with the plan.

"Son?" FP said whilst sitting next too his son at the bar. Jughead nodded. "I knew about you and the cooper girl" FP admitted. Jughead's head shot up to look at his dad. FP sighed "she came to me a few weeks ago and explained your situation. In fact, when your on business trips she comes here. Most of us knew about the both of you." FP said. "What?" Jughead choked. "You've got yourself a little firecracker, she comes here and always puts everyone in their place" FP laughed. Jughead laughed too, but FP didn't miss the tear that slid down his son's cheek. "Hey, we will get her out of that place" FP soothed. "What if we don't, dad? I can't loose her. She is just as much my family as you are" Jughead cried whilst pulling something out of his pocket. "I was going to give her this, I was going to marry her dad" Jughead said whilst showing him a small engagement ring. FP pulled his son into his arms and let him cry into him. "We will get her out son, I promise you." FP whispered letting a tear slip, his heart breaking for his son.

It had been an hour since Betty had arrived at the sisters. This was place was as scary as the the stories she was told as a child. The place was full and dark. It was like being in a horror movie. 
"We have been waiting a long time for you, my child" sister Woodhouse said whilst entering the room. "What do you mean, sister" Betty asked. "Well you see, we have a deal with this organization called 'The Farm' and well, the need your organs. Your the only child to come into this place with a good functioning body." Sister Woodhouse told Betty. "But I'm not a child anymore, I shouldn't even be here. I'm too old. I'm 21 for christ sake" Betty cried. '"Ah yes, but your still so young. Soon you'll regret ever getting with that delinquent and myself and my friends will get something out of it too." Sister woodhouse said leaving the room. A couple of minutes later a man enters the room. "Hi, I'm Edgar Evernever" the man said.

A/N: Well, it's me again. Here's a post. Part 2 coming soon. Once part 2 is done, this will also be on Ao3 but it will just be a oneshot. It will be under the name CLMB2003. Thank youuu xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2019 ⏰

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