I didn't mean it.

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I have had a bad day. I don't know why but I've just been annoyed today. I have shut everyone out, which is not good because I will eventually say something I don't mean to someone. I am literally just sat on the floor thinking, that was until a rather bright, ponytail wearing girl skips over to me and interrupt my train of thought.
"Hey, cole" she says.
"Hey lils, what's up?" I question sounding annoyed which, may I add, I didn't mean too.
"Uhh are you okay?" She then responds.
"No I'm not actually, can you just leave me alone for a while?" I ask.
"Okay, but do you want to talk about it?" She says
"No" I say coldly
"Okay, uhh I'll see you later then" She responds.
"Wait what's happening later" I ask.
"Our date" she says
"Oh, I'll have to skip that lils I'm sorry" I say.
"You have to be kidding me, what are you doing that's more important than our date?" She asks.
"I'm meating up with some old friends, why are you so annoyed anyway?" I say.
"I'm annoyed because this is the 10th time you have blown of our date in a row! How many more times are you gonna do it Cole? Why do you do it?" She says angrily
"I havnt blown of our date 10 times and maybe I do blow of our dates because your too clingy, that's all you do. Your always around me. Have you not heard of personal space? And when we are hanging out you always talk about you. When do you ever ask about me? Huh?" I shouted. She just scoffed and walked away with tears in her eyes. I'm screwed. She doesn't do that I am the one always ditching, bit I only do it because I don't think I'm good enough for her. Maybe it's the best if we just break up, at least I won't bring her down anymore.
"Dude, what the hell?" I hear KJ shout.
"What now?" I ask.
"Lili has just told me what you told her. Lili doesn't always talk about her, actually your always talking about yourself. She always asks you how you are and asks you how  your days been. And ditching your date again? Dude what is it, like the 10th time now? Why?" He asks.
"because KJ! I'm not good enough for her! I bring her down all the time, I don't deserve her. She needs a real man." I scoff
"Yeah dude she does need a real man, so I suggest you get your head out of your ass, Stop moping around and sort your priorities right before lili dumps your sorry ass for someone who treats her the right way a man should"  he says before he walks away. He's right. I do need to sort out my priorities. I decide to walk over to lili.
"What? You come over here to tell me were over cuz I'm too clingy?" She says.
"No, I came to apologize. None of what I said was true. I've just been a pure dick. I didn't mean it, I have just been concentrating on things other than my priorities. But Lili, your my main priority and I promise to get my head out of my ass and stop treating you like a clingy 4 year old." I said.
"Its okay, I know thing have been hard for you at the moment. And I know that you don't break your promises, just don't do it again and stop pushing me away Okay?" She asks.
"Okay" i say.

A/N: Sorrryyyyyyy, I've been inactive, I have just been at school. I'll try and post moreeee.

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