My little muse

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Your fat

Your ugly

Cole doesn't deserve you

Why are you even on riverdale

Who does she think she is?

I bet she's using Cole for attention

She doesn't love Cole

Cole can do so much better

I hate her

She's annoying

She's such a bitch

She's such an attention seeker

Nobody likes her

Nobody loves her

Nobody cares for her

I made my way over the the mirror in mine and Cole's bedroom. What everyone said about me in those comments were true, other than the fact That I'm using Cole and that I don't love him. I love Cole more than anything. I love his hair. I love his eyes. I love the way he smirks whenever he is right or the way he smiles at me with his heart eyes. I love the way that he is so caring to others. I love the way that he puts everyone else first before himself. I dont know how he puts up with me but I know one thing for sure, and that was that I am not using him and I love him to pieces.

I looked at myself in the mirror again, this time noticing every little flaw about me. It made me realise that nobody does love me, or like me, or even care for me. Why am I even here? Why do I deserve this?


I had just come home from getting the groceries from target. I couldn't see lili so I went to our bedroom. She was just standing there, with no emotion in her face. She was looking at herself. She clearly hadn't noticed me in the doorway.

"I'm ugly" she said
"Your beautiful" I whispered walking over to her wrapping my arms around her waist. It hurt me that she thought so little of herself.

"I'm disgusting" she cried.
"Your amazing" I whispered in her ear.

"My body is horrible" she cried again.
"Your body is perfect" I whispered, nearly crying myself.

"Nobody loves me" she said.
"I love you" I said now crying myself.

"No one wants you here" she whimpered.
"I want you here" I said.

"Your beautiful, your amazing, your perfect. Your sensational." I said to her. She turned around, tears staining her face.
"You mean everything to me, your family, cami, mads, kj. All of us. We all love you, so so much. Don't ever think that your not wanted because you are. Your wanted by all of us." She just nodded, tears still dripping down her face.
"Come with me, is ant to show you something" I said. She just nodded. We got our shoes on and got in my car. Where we were going was about an hour away so I told lili to get some sleep as she looked tired.

Time skip

"Lils wake up" I said to lili as I pulled up into antelope valley, the place me and lili first kissed. This morning I set up a little picnic blanket and fairy light so that me and lili could have a date.

"You did all of this? For me?" Lili asked.
"Of course, all for you my love" I replied. Lili and I made our way over to where the picnic blanket was set up.
"This is beautiful cole" lili whispered to me.
"Things have been so hectic lately, I thought some time alone would be nice" I whispered back. We were silent, just laying in each others embrace.
"Cole?" Lili said.
"Yes, my love?" I replied.
" I know why I'm fat" she said.
"What do you mean?" I asked
"Cole, I'm pregnant" she said. I was shocked.
"You are?" I replied, a small smile started to creep on my face.
"Yeah" she whispered.
"I didn't want to tell you because I thought you might leave me" she said.
"I would never leave you" I said kissing her forhead.
"I'm going to be a dad" I said to myself.
"Your going to be a great daddy" she whispered in my ear whilst climbing on top of me. I couldn't hold it in any longer. I pushed my lips on top of hers biting her bottom lip, asking for entrance. She opened her mouth and I slipped my tounge in. She pulled my top off and I pulled hers off. Things then escalated from there, and you know what happened.

(Sorry I really don't want to write smut. It makes me feel uncomfortable when I try and write it, so I don't get very far with it. I'll probably just write 'and things escalated' or something like that. Sorry again)

Time skip

"Thank you for that" lili said.
"Anything for you Juliet" I replied using her Nickname from riverdale that I sometimes use to call lili.
"I can't believe that there's a little me or you growing inside of you" I said placing my hands on her stomach.
" I want a little girl" she said.
"Me too, but I dont mind a little man" I said, lili nodding I  agreement. Lili and I lead I  silence. I could hear lili's light snores.
"Your my little muse" I whispered kissing her for head. Everything was so perfect.

A/N: This one shot was slightly inspired by PopularGirl2890 so thank you for the idea, and I hope it was somewhat what you wanted with a little twist xoxo

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