It was all for a reason

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Everything is getting all to much. My life is imploding and I don't know what to do. I don't know how to keep myself sane when everything else isnt. The only good thing I have is Cole and he is slowly drifting away. He is always hanging around with May, the new girl. I feel like he is falling out of love with me and falling in love with her.  Maybe I am just not good enough for him anymore...


I am planning on proposing to lili. Yes I have been avoiding lili and yes I know that it is wrong to do that. I am only avoidng her because every time I see her I keep getting doubts in my mind like 'what if she says no' or 'does she actually love me'. I mean me and lili have been dating for 3 years now and I feel like we are ready for marrige, I just want to get it over with.


I can hear May and Vanessa talking in whilst they wait for their next scene but all I can think to do is eavesdrop.
"I think Cole is falling out of love with lili" may says.
"And why do you think that?" Vanessa says annoyed.
"Because he always hangs around with me and never with lili" may squeals.
"Well I think your wrong and even if he did break up with lili, he wouldn't go for you" she says angrily and storms off.
"Babe?" I hear a familiar voice.
"Are you okay?" Cole says.
"Do you still love me?" I ask, tears now streaming down my face.
"Of course I do, why would you think that?" He questions.
"You have been hanging around with may all the time and I just heard her say she likes you." I cried.
"If I didn't love you then the next thing I am about to do won't be happening." He said pulling me along. He took me outside where kids of balloons were hanging. Cole gets on one knee and pulls out a box with an expensive looking ring
"Lili Pauline Reinhart. You are the love of my life and I don't know who else I would rather spend it with, so will you make me the happiest man alive and do the honours of becoming my wife?" He asks with I smile. I just not my head continuously while jumping on him. He places the ring on my finger and picks me up. We then kiss for a while. Cami and Kj then come out squealing and asking us questions. We walk back inside and guess who walks up to us? May.


"Hey Cole, I was wondering if we could practise our lines?" I heard may ask.
" sorry May, I can't me and lili are going out celebrating" I say as politely as I can.
"Oh, what's the occasion?" She questions.
"We got engaged!"I practically shouted.
"Oh" she said and ran off looking like she was about to cry. I don't really Care though. The only thing I care about is my beautifull fiancè and soon to be wife.

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