The Beginning

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Eamane was chained behind Thorin, as Legolas and Tauriel lead the group of dwarves to the king. All she could hear in the deathly silent halls of the palace was the clanking of the chains they wore. 

They walked and walked and walked, until finally they made it to the throne. Eamane looked up at the king who sat on the extravagant throne. She couldn't help but stare. 

Upon his head was a crown, of twiggy branches and red leaves. Under which was long, flowing blonde hair. His face was the defintion of perfection. His eyes could penetrate deep into one's soul and his lips looked softer than silk. 

Her concentration on the king broke, as Legolas unchained Thorin and he walked heavily up the stairs to the base of the throne. Once Thorin stopped Legolas began to pull on the chains, but her mind was back on the king. 

He stood, and gracefully stepped down each individual stair until he was at the base in front of Thorin. He walked to the side and he spoke:

"Some may imagine a noble quest is at hand..."

His voice was deep, like a subtle rumble of the earth and it made Eamane's knees weak. Again, her concentration was broken by a harsh tug on the chains.

"Come now, prisoner!" Legolas yelled. Eamane began to realize what was happening. She was being taken away from Thorin. 

"... To reclaim a homeland and slay a dragon..." 

"No!" She screamed, "Thorin!" 

Her outburst interrupted the king and he turned his gaze to her frightened face. He said nothing and soon turned to continue. 

Eamane was forced to leave Thorin in the hands of the Elven King and be thrust into a cell in the dungeon. 


"... I myself, expect a more prosaic motive. Attempted burglary, or something of that ilk." The king paused, "You have found a way in, you seek that which would bestow upon you the right to rule. the king's jewel. The Arkenstone." 

Thorin turned his gaze from the king.

"It is precious to you beyond measure. I understand that. But, is it more precious than the elf you have brought along with you?" The Elven King smirked. 

"What?" Thorin sputtered. The king almost grinned, but he fought hard to keep  his menacing demeanor. 

"Yes," He purred, circling Thorin, "She is as pure blood elf as I am." 

Thorin's mouth hung open slightly in utter surprise. 


The king smirked again, motioned a guard to his side and told him, "Bring her." 

The guard bowed and headed towards the dungeons to fetch the elf. 


When Eamane returned to the throne Thorin was being grabbed and dragged away by guards.

"... Stay here if you will and rot. A hundred years is a mere blink in the life of an elf. I am patient. I can wait." The king then sat in his throne. 

"No!!!" Eamane screamed. She ran towards Thorin but the guard that had fetched her held her back. Once Thorin was out of sight and Eamane calmed down the king spoke. 

"What is your name?" 

Eamane looked up at the king. 

"Why should I tell you?" She growled. The king shot up and yelled,

"You are in my kingdom, and you will do as I say." 

Eamane's courage diminished, but she answered him as unfrightened as she could.


The king's expression returned to indifferent and he sat again.

"Eamane. You will stay here as a guest. Guards, take her to a room." 

Then, the guards grabbed her by her arms and pulled her away from the throne. 


Eamane sat on the bed in her new room, scared and alone in a new place, when she heard yelling. She peeked outside of her door and saw people and guards running around frantically.

She pushed the rest of the way through the door and went out into the hallway. 

She stopped a maid and asked, "What's going on?" 

"The dwarves have escaped!" 

And she ran off. 

Eamane looked around and suddenly the palace seemed completely empty. No guards, no maids, no one. 

Now's my chance to explore this place.

So she did. 

Soon she had explored everything except the dungeon area, the King's bedroom and a room that she had just happened upon. 

She pushed the door open just a little and snuck a peak through the crack. Inside was a large pool of water, surrounded by misty steam. 

Must be a bathing area.

She started to close the door and leave, but she thought she saw movement through the mist. So she squeezed through the door silently and snuck closer to get a better view. 

What she saw made her mouth hang wide open. 

Thranduil was standing in the middle of the pool, immersed from the waist down. His body was perfect, beautiful. The water clung to his skin in little droplets on his back in the most perfect way that made him even more marvelous. 

But when he turned around Eamane gasped. 

His face was burnt from the side of his mouth all the way up to about his hairline. 

When Thranduil turned he saw Eamane and heard her gasp. He walked to the side of the pool and grabbed his red robe, slipped it on, stepped out of the pool and when he turned to face her again the burns had been concealed. 

"What are you doing in here?" He asked, the same emotionless expression on his face. 

Eamane couldn't speak and as he walked towards her she backed towards the door. 

Then, Thranduil simply walked past her, like nothing had happened, but as he stopped to open the door to leave Eamane spoke up:

"What happened?" 

He turned his head to the side and looked at her through the corner of his eye and then left, leaving Eamane alone. 


Author's Note: Haaaiii, if you're reading this I hope I didn't bore you to death, and I hope you don't murder me for using direct quotes from the movie... If you really like it congrats to you to me (confusing right?) and if you don't, well don't come crying to me. I tried and that's all that counts right? *Crossing my fingers for that one* 

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