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Nya's POV

It's been three years since I left home and I still missed it. I missed my family and friends, hell I even missed school but I could never go back, it was too dangerous especially with sentinal services crawling all over the place.

After the incident in Florida I left home to turn myself in, the guilt was eating me alive but but John and Lorna found me before I could get there, they convinced me that it wasn't my fault and there was nothing I could do, They told me that if I joined the mutant underground they would teach me to control my abilities and use them the right way

I felt safe with them, John, Lorna, Marcos and everyone else. I was among some of the strangest people I'd ever met and I fit right in.

I didn't fully know what I could do yet but I  knew I had some kind of control over the weather, Lorna always told me to push my powers to their limits then push some more.

I was able to convince John to bring me along when they looked for mutants. My job was to stay far away from the action and create storm clouds to disrupt satellite transmissions and police radios and provide the occasional fog for quick getaways

At the moment we were looking for another mutant.

"You getting anything?" Marcos asked John who had his eyes closed in concentration with a hand on the ground

"I'm working on it"

"Well work faster. It's freezing" I wrapped my arms around myself and he gave my a look

"You seriously think she's here man? I mean she was just two miles away" Marcos pointed out

"She's close" John told us, still sure of himself and his instincts

"closer than the last time she was close?"  Lorna and I chuckled at this

"She's moving strangely" John muttered as he got up

Lorna chuckled again and said "yeah I'm pretty sure he just likes keeping us out in the cold"

I noticed something at the side of my eye but wasn't sure what it was because of the darkness, I nudged Marcos motioning towards the corner

"do your thing knock off human torch" I told him and he opened his palm shinning the light from it onto what seemed to be broken police lights

"told ya" John said walking smugly past us into a building.

We looked around for a while trying to figure out where the girl we were looking for was.

I looked over my shoulder at Marcos and Lorna being all lovey dovey and it was absolutely disgusting. They just had to shove it all of our faces.

"She's in there" John said looking towards a room, we headed towards it cautiously when he suddenly put a hand out in front of me

"wait here" he instructed me, I groaned and Lorna mumbled "sorry kid" with a smile as the grown ups proceeded into the room. It wasn't long before I began to hear the sound of things shattering and a shout of "are you with the cops?!"

I ran into the room prepared for the worst and was met by the sight a woman with purple hair, bright green eyes and a markings on her face. She had a bewildered look on her face and a stapler in her hand but she looked at me and took notice of my peculiar features her expression relaxed

"You're like me" she said and before she knew it the stapler in her hand flew through the air into Lorna's

"yep we're all freaks like you" she smirked

"Guys!" John yelled "there's trouble".

-The Strucker House-

--NO POV--

"so Lauren how was Choir?" Mrs Strucker asked Lauren who sat at the table with Andy

"good we're practicing for the spring concert" She told her mom cheerily (well as cheerily as a teenager could)

"Should I show you some of my moves?" Caitlin began to get ready to perform some sort of 'ancient' dance routine and Lauren quickly declined

The woman turned to her son with a more serious look "how about you, how was your day?"

"Uhh bad. I mean you were there" Andy told his mom referring to the fact tat she and his dad were in the school earlier threatening the principal.

"I meant your classes, anything interesting?"

He sat up a bit "we had debate in social studies about this law they want to make about people with the X-gene to like monitor them, If Nya were there she would go crazy about it being an invasion of privacy or something. This one kid was freaking out, I guess his cousins a mutie or something"

"Mutie. Andy, racist much" Lauren said

She was mad.

"Person of genetic difference" he corrected himself sarcastically

Now she was beyond mad.

"Nya's been gone for 3 years, she's probably dead just get over it!" she exclaimed "You're such an ass"

Lauren hadn't meant to say what she did, she knew it was a very sensitive subject with her little brother but the mutie comment he made struck a nerve

Andy opened his mouth to say something back to his sister but before he could Caitlin interrupted

"You guys are fighting about social studies now. Can we not have a normal conversation"


"I guess not"


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