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Lorna was gone. She was arrested that night and there was nothing we could do about it. Marcos didn't believe that though, he was determined to find her and bring her home.

The purple haired mutant we met was named Clarice, in the short time we spent together we managed to bond, especially over the fact that our mutations were quite visible.

After the Florida incident I was so out of it that I didn't remember to dye my hair which was something I did regularly, looking into the mirror and seeing my true self I realized that I wasn't just any normal girl with a genetic mutation that gave her white hair but I was an actual mutant and my time with humans was over.

Clarice was a good person, I just wish she'd stop running.

--The Strucker House--

-No POV-

Lauren hadn't expected to find Andy in the car, especially after the fight they just had

"what are you doing here!" she asked him

"I snuck out, I thought I'd go with you"

"didn't you tell mom you were going to bed?"

He rolled his eyes "yeah, that's why they call it sneaking, can we go now?"

"what if mom finds out?"

"if I get caught I'll tell her I went to Ian's. You won't get in trouble" he assured his sister

"are you sure you want to go to a dance with everything that's been going on at school?"

"you mean my fan club? yeah whatever I'm used to them"

Lauren looked at him wanting to know if he was sure about going.

Andy saw her worried expression and gave her a half hearted smile "C'mon Lauren, your the one who told me to move on a few hours ago
and that's what I'm trying to do"

She sighed and started the engine, how bad could it be she thought.

Nya's POV

"Nya come see this!" Sage yelled

I hurried to meet her

"what happened?" I asked

She motioned to the TV "Isn't that your old school?"

It was my old school on the screen but not the way I remembered it. The building looked like it was been hit by an earthquake, students ran around injured while the emergency services rushed to their aid.

This wasn't good. I hope Andy and Lauren are safe.

-The Next Day-

"where're you going Marcos?" I said from his door as he had his back turned

I knew he was up to something and naturally I wanted to tag along.

"Nowhere, go back to bed" he told me

"Oh really?" I raised an eyebrow

"What do you want Nya?" He spoke still not facing me

I stepped into the room and he turned around "please let me come, I want to help Lorna"

"I'm not going t-"

I cut him off  "She's my friend too and I want to help her, I swear I won't mess it up"

He groaned in frustration knowing that I how unrelenting I was "fine you can come but stay out of trouble and don't tell John OK"

"Got it" I grinned


We were in a bar waiting for someone. Well I wasn't the one waiting, Marcos made me stand in the back while he did what needed to be done

It was taking too damn long and I was getting tired and curious, I wanted to know who he was meeting so secretly

I walked into the main bar sending a warm smile to Fade, he responded to with a nod.

Marcos sat in a booth talking to the mystery man who turned out not to be such a mystery at all

"Mr Strucker" I gasped

He turned and his eyes widened in shock "Where have you been? Everybody's been looking for you"

Before I could answer Marcos spoke "how do you two know each other" he was shocked as well

"we used to live in the same neighbourhood" I told him

"what are you doing here?" Mr Strucker asked again

I didn't know what to say, I knew his job was basically to put mutants in jail. He was someone I had known for years and I didn't want him to look at me any differently

"She's with the mutant underground" Marcos said

He was confused "why are you with the underground" then a look of realization crossed his face "you're one of them aren't you?"

I nodded

"Before we get carried away, lets get back to business" Marcos spoke

The two men discussed more about their deal and it turned out that Andy was the one who destroyed the school, both he and Lauren were mutants and were going to Mexico with their mom

This was a lot to take in.

As Mr Strucker turned to leave the bar after they'd come to an agreement I called out to him

He turned and I said sadly

"Don't tell Andy you saw me, I know it hurt when I left and I just...don't tell him. Please"

He put a hand on my shoulder understandingly and left.

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