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6: 50 am is what my clock read the next day.

I didn't know how I got home, or why I still had my outside clothes on. Then I remembered Eunwoo and I's late night adventure and assumed he took me home although I probably was sleeping the whole way.

I got up, and a half-eaten brownie fell out of my pocket, I decided to save it for later. I got ready for school and made my brother breakfast. Since I've been so busy with school I decided him to give him the other half of my brownie since he wasn't allowed to eat snacks either,

"Here you go," I said handing it to him

"How'd you get this?!" He said excitedly

"Don't worry about it, just appreciate it," I said smiling

"I'll eat it after school. Thanks" he said as he picked up his book-bag. "I'm walking to school with friends so you don't have to take me." He said walking out the door.

"Okay !" I shouted before he left.

I left too and walking by I saw Eun-woo.

"Hey!" I yelled running up to him. He turned and smiled,

"Hey. Get enough sleep?"

"More than enough actually. You have to tell me what happened last night. " I said walking beside him

"Well, you fell asleep. I took you home, on my back! And I went home from there." He said

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know I'd be that tired ." I said sadly

He chuckled, "it's fine," he said. "But you can make it up to me"


"Sit with me at lunch." He said

I thought about it, "ok fine but my friend Jennie has to sit with us too."

"Jennie? You mean rank 5?" He said laughing

"Stop it. It's not funny. Your rank doesn't define who you are as a person. I mean your sister is like rank 150" I said smiling evilly

"Ok, ok but we'll be sitting with my friend too." He said

"You mean your sidekick?" I asked

"Sanha is not my sidekick ."

Sanha?! That's his name ?! Your sister has such a huge crush on him." I said laughing

"I know it makes me want to puke. I think he likes her back too." He said rolling his eyes

"Who hurt you? Don't get in the way of their love" I said teasing him

We got to school and I sat with Jennie and Lisa at the breakfast table

"Did you just walk in with Eunwoo?! Did you walk to school with him too?!" Jennie asked frantically

"Yeah, he's not that bad he's actually kind of nice," I said

"Whatever you say," Jennie said

"We should sit with him at lunch" I suggested

"Sure, but there have to be more people," she said

"There will be, his friend Sanha is sitting with us too."

Lisa's face shot up, "really ?' Can I sit with you guys too?"

Jennie and I looked at each other before laughing, "sure" I said

"But there have to be more people! Call him over, we should have like a lunch table with a lot of friends ." Jennie said

I turned around and called out,


He turned around and I motioned for him to come. He walked over and Jennie got right to the point,

"So about us sitting at lunch, I think you should bring like three more of your friends preferably Vernon  on the volleyball team ." She said smiling

Eunwoo and I looked at each other and smiled,
"Fine," He said

"But you have to bring your friend Joy." My smile disappeared as soon as he said that. I don't know why I was so angry but I was. Why did he want Joy anyway?

Jennie looked at me shocked and I just looked away, "Umm sure" she said with a fake smile

"But no Lisa," He said standing up.

"What why? That's not fair !" She said pouting

"No Lisa. No Joy ." Jennie said. "You pick"

He looked back at his friends, "ok fine" he said and then walked back to his table

The bell rang and I quietly walked to homeroom still angry about why he wanted Joy to sit with us. I mean she's one of my closest friends, extremely pretty, smart, and funny. I sighed as I thought about all her good qualities that I don't have. At least I win in volleyball.

In homeroom, Eunwoo asked,

"Are you okay?"

"Yes," I said not looking at him

"Are you sure?" He asked worriedly

"Yeah, but you're asking the wrong person. Joy is back there," I said still not looking at him.

Jennie who was next to me whispered good,
"Good comeback" which made me smile on the inside.

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