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"So where are we going?" I asked turning to Eunwoo

"To the volleyball court at the school" Eunwoo said

"Ugh" I said rolling my eyes. "Why can't we go to the big court at the university?" I asked

"Because I don't want to have to explain why all their volleyballs are suddenly inflated." Eunwoo replied

"So why are we going there again?" I asked

"To play volleyball" he said

"Why?!" I asked annoyed

"Because you need to get the anger out of your system, and I think playing volleyball is the best way to do that." He said

I sighed. "Whatever, just make sure you buy me something to eat on our way back" I said

When we arrived to the court I put my sweater down and asked,

"So are we gonna play a game or what?"

"Nope. Just you" Eunwoo said calmly

"What?" I asked confused

"You won't be playing against me you'll be playing against these volley-balls" he said as he pointed to all the volleyballs on the rack

"Ok I'm sorry but I'm still not comprehending." I said

"Each of these balls are something that annoys you and makes you mad. And what do you want to do to things that annoy and make you mad?" He asked

"Well I wanna punch them. Like really hard" I answered

"Ok so when I throw the balls up you do exactly that" he said smiling

"Why are you doing this Eunwoo?" I asked

"So the anger you're building up can go away, atleast for now." He replied

I sighed. "Fine . Let's do this. So do I get time to warm up ?" I asked

"Do things that make you mad give you time to warm up?" He asked as he quickly threw the ball into the air. I quickly jumped to spike it.

"Now you see that was just a warm up because this ball right here represents not having a mother or father while growing up." He said as he threw up the ball , I quickly ran to spike it again .

" and this ball represents the times your dad forced you to do hard volleyball drills until you couldn't do it anymore" he said as he threw them up, again I ran to spike the ball .

"This ball is every time your dad put you on a cruel punishment and this one is every time you lost a game and everyone blamed it on you." He said sending two balls in the air almost at the same time. I was out of breath, and noticing his speed was building.

"I hope you're not tired yet because this ball is every night you spent starving because your dad didn't give you dinner!" He said

With tears in my eyes I ran to spike the ball harder than I'd hit the other ones.

"And this one is for every time your dad made you watch your moms volleyball games and this one is for every time you became jealous when seeing other girls with their mothers." He said

All my anger and sadness was going into hitting these volleyballs . It was everything I had struggled with and I was finally releasing it.

"And this last one is for your mom never being there." He said as he threw it in the air .

The ball was inflated and so was i . When i landed on my feet I instantly began to cry again. I sat on the floor as I thought of all those things that I'd been suppressing all this time .

I felt Eunwoos hand on my shoulder and looked up .

He was smiling , "You're stronger than you think"

"I guess" I said still sobbing

"Look it's important to remember what volleyball is to you. Don't let your mothers sudden visit distract you from your goal. Life isn't gonna stop because of this one thing so you shouldn't stop either. Keep going" he said

I nodded and hugged him tightly. He was right, I have a goal to play for the city next year, and this obstacle can't stop me .

Eunwoo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now