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Walking home I felt miserable. Why did I work the Boys team so hard? Why did I make them suffer? Why was I so jealous?

I walked slouching and with my head down until someone touched my shoulder. I turned around to see Eunwoo,

"Hey," He said

"Hi" I responded with a blank expression

"Are you ok?" He asked

"Nope," I said truthfully

"Listen," He said stopping me and making me face him, "my friend Moonbin has a huge crush on Joy. He asked me to get her to sit with us today..."

My face was burning, I was really embarrassed, I had obviously gotten jealous, and I even worked the Boys team to death. All for no reason.

"Oh ok..." I said embarrassed as I began to walk again

"Yeah..." He said, "so are you okay now ?"

"What? You think I've been acting this way because of that?" I asked smiling

"I mean... isn't it ?" He asked

"I guess you'll never know," I said smiling

"It's okay," he said putting his arm around my shoulder. "I know you have a crush on me" He slightly whispered

"It's the other way around" I whispered back.

He scoffed.

"You know I'm really hungry, wanna get me food?" I said giving him puppy eyes.

"Why didn't you eat at lunch ?" He said

"I didn't have an appetite..." I said quietly

"But you have an appetite now ?" He asked

"Fine! Don't buy me food!" I said angrily

He laughed, " it's going to rain anyways. So you'll have to eat at home ."

I looked up and saw the grey sky that I hadn't noticed before. we reached my house.

"I'll talk to you later," I said waving to him

He waved back.


When I got home, I went straight to my bed. My stomach was growling but I was too lazy to get up. As I was about to get up to finally get food, my door swung open.

My dad stood there angrily holding my brother by his collar. My brother was holding the half-eaten brownie I gave him earlier. I was shocked.

"You gave this to him?!" My dad roared

"I- um" I couldn't even speak I was so shocked and afraid

"What have I told you about snacks?! Why'd you put this in your body and then pass it down to your little brother huh?!" He said yelling

"I'm sorry," I said to my dad crying.

"You better be," He said. "And since you love these horrible things," he said grabbing the brownie from my brother, "then this will be your dinner for tonight," he said as he threw the half-eaten brownie on the floor, and leaving.

My brother ran up to me and said,

"I'll sneak you food at midnight," he said hugging me

"Thanks," I said weakly smiling with tears running down my face.

He then left my room, and I buried my face in my hands. Why couldn't I just eat a snack like a regular kid ?! Why did my dad have to be so strict? And have such cruel punishments?

I picked up my phone to text Jennie,

BFF <3

Y: I ate a snack and got caught :(

J: you? Ate a snack?! What ?! How is this possible

Y: I'll tell you if you let me come to your house to eat

J: why can't you eat at urs?

Y: I've been banned from dinner :/

J: ok come over

Y: see ya

I grabbed my heavy book bag and left the house. It was raining extremely hard and I had no umbrella . I put on my hood and began to walk. I felt miserable walking, and hungry.

Every step I took I felt weaker and weaker and more light headed. But I still continued to walk. As I walked I heard someone call out my name, I turned around to see that it was Eunwoo , he looked worried but my vision was getting blurry.

Soon I couldn't see him in the rain and all I could feel was my body shut down.

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