»Chapter 6«

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Soon, we arrived at the hotel. We walked back up to our room. I put the soccer ball and my new sunglasses in my suitcase.

"Do you want to go to the pool?" Shawn asked.

"Sure. I'm down." I replied.

I went to bathroom. I changed into a maroon swimsuit. The top had tassels on it. I was in love with the color. This time I put on a gray tank top that had the Vans logo on it and shorts over my swimsuit. I walked out of the bathroom and Shawn was already ready to go. He had the towels in his hands. I grabbed my bag I always took to the pool, and we headed out. I made sure I had the key before we left. We pushed the elevator button to go to the first floor. The door opened and there stood Nash and Taylor.

"Y'all are going to the pool?" Taylor asked.

I nodded.

"Sweet! I'm down!" he said and Nash stood there silent.

Taylor and Nash walked to their room as Shawn and I got in the elevator. We got to the first floor, and the other guys weren't there. I guessed they were still playing around at the mall. We got to the pool, and I claimed the same chair I had before. Shawn did the same with his chair. I took off the Vans shirt and shorts, so I was now in my swimsuit. Before I knew it, Taylor and Nash bursted through the gate.

"Guys!" I yelled. "What are you doing?"

"We... Raced..." Taylor explained trying to catch his breath after each word.

I shook my head and laughed. Then Nash walked up beside me. He put his arm around my waist.

"I clearly won, right?" he asked.

"Sure." I said not really sure who won the race.

He looked in my eyes and smiled. Taylor cleared his throat and glared at Nash. I couldn't tell if Nash was flirting and Taylor was jealous or if they were just playing around.

"Are y'all going to get in the pool or nah?" Shawn asked.

"Yup!" Nash said picking me up and jumping in the pool while I was still in his arms.

"Nash!" I screamed when we came up from underwater.

Nash laughed as Taylor jumped in the pool. Shawn did the same. We were all in the pool splashing each other. That's when my phone started ringing. It got silent as I got out of the pool. I looked at my phone, and it was Savanna who was calling me. I answered the phone, and the guys started playing around again.

"Hey, Savanna." I said.

"Hi! I miss you so much! Listen, I'm going to a party tonight... What am I supposed to wear?" she asked.

"Clothes." I joked.

She laughed and said "No, silly. I mean like what dress!"

"Do you still have that navy blue one?" I asked.

"Yea. The tight one?" she asked.

"Yup! Wear that. You rock that dress!" I replied.

We both laughed.

"Okay. Thanks! Sorry if you were busy!" she said.

"Nahh. I'm just at the pool with the guys." I explained.

"Cool. Cool. Well, I better let ya go." she said.

"Okay. I'll call you later." I said.

"Sweet. Bye!" she hung up.

I got back in the pool. We played more games and just chilled. We decided to go back up to the room to see if the other guys were back. I threw on my shirt and shorts over my swimsuit. Shawn had my bag. He had put the room key in his pocket. We got up there, and Nash unlocked the door. Taylor grabbed me by my hips and pulled me backwards. I looked up at him confused as Nash and Shawn walked in the room, unaware that Taylor had done this.

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