Chapter 2

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I am so nervous about school today I've got elephants dancing in my stomach. Evelyn is already dressed and waiting by the door, nothing seems to phase her. She doesn't have a hair out of place and her make up is perfect. She's wearing a tight skirt and the top two buttons on her blouse are unfastened, I can tell she intends to make an impression. Mum raises her eyebrows but she doesn't say anything, she knows Eve won't pay any attention. From outside, Kenickie toots his horn, and Evelyn grabs my arm.

"Come on girl, let's go!"

We dash outside and get into the back of Kenickie's car, and I hate to say it but what a piece of junk!

"Who bashed up your car Ken?" Evelyn asks, and Kenickie growls.

"It's Kenickie, got it.

Evelyn rolls her eyes. "Temper, temper Kenickie," she says smirking. "Oh hi Danny, didn't see you there." She totally did, a guy like Danny does not go unnoticed.

"Hey girls," he says turning from the front seat to look at us. I flush under his gaze, he's got these really bright blue eyes, almost mesmerising, and they stand out against his black hair.

"So what's this we hear about you going steady Danny?" Evelyn says, the corners of her mouth twitching. "I wouldn't have thought a guy like you would settle for one girl."

I can't believe she's blatantly flirting with him, and I see Kenickie's jaw clench. He shoots Danny what I think is a warning look.

"I ain't going steady," Danny says laughing. "I guess there's this one chick I've been hanging with lately, she's sorta cool."

Kenickie scoffs. "She ain't cool, Zuko." 

"She's better than the chicks everyone's made it with," Danny fires back and Kenickie coughs.

"There's ladies present Zuko."

Evelyn starts cackling, and even I smile for the first time this morning. So Kenickie's trying to spare our blushes, that is sort of sweet.

"So tell us about your girl?" Evelyn persists. "She's Australian right?"

"Well she ain't my girl but yeah she's an Aussie. You might get along, being from the same neck of the woods."

Evelyn falls about in hysterics. "Oh Danny, you do make me laugh! England and Australia couldn't be further apart." I see Danny shoot a look a Kenickie, who shrugs in return.

"Guess I should've paid more attention in geography," he says giving us an apologetic look.

"Aw don't worry love, I'm only teasing," Evelyn says smiling, and I elbow her hard. What was she saying about not chasing after another girl's guy?


Evelyn leaves me at the office to pick up a schedule from Mrs Holden, the receptionist, who seems to be somewhat overwhelmed with her duties. Sod's law she's in Danny and Kenickie's homeroom, and she practically danced down the hallway after them. Talk about landing on her feet. I don't think Kenickie was as pleased though, I guess he's scared she'll cramp his style or hit on one of his friends.

"Here it is dear," Mrs Holden finally says handing me a piece of paper.

I stare at it blankly, trying to figure it out. "So where do I go?" I can feel the panic rising in my chest as I look down the long corridor which is jam-packed with students.

Mrs Holden takes my paper and squints at it. "Room 306, Ms Mason's homeroom." Like that explains it. She must pick up on my panic because she beckons a student over. "Rhonda, you're in Ms Mason's homeroom, can you take Sylvia with you? She's all the way from England." 

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