Chapter 33

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I stretch out on the sun lounger, soaking up the rays, at Rhonda's sister's house. Nearby Goose and Davey are in the swimming pool, accidentally on purpose splashing us girls. Johnny and Steph sit further away, out of range, although the guys would probably think twice about splashing them. God forbid they mess up Johnny's hair.

"Goose you are so infantile," Rhonda screeches, as he soaks her. "Remind me again why I go out with you."

He grins at her. "I would but it might embarrass you."

"Asshole," she yells, jumping in the pool and trying to dunk him underwater. They play fight but my eyes are on Johnny. He was supposed to have finished with Steph and yet here he is fawning all over her, topping up her lotion, pouring her drinks.

"Hey, anyone fancy a game of water volleyball," Paulette shouts, pushing her sunglasses up onto her head. I look at her surprised, she's gotta be the least sporty one here.

"Nah, I might go cool down though," Johnny says standing up. He reaches a hand towards Steph. "You coming?"

"No, I'm trying to top up this lame excuse of a tan." She is kinda pale but I get the impression she's not a sun worshipper and is making an excuse to get a bit of space from him. "You go ahead, I'll join you later."

Johnny frowns but he makes his way over to the pool, and a moment later Paulette stands up and follows him. She slowly lowers herself into the water, yelping and mock shivering. Johnny's eyes are soon on her, and she giggles while fluffing her hair.

Rhonda gives her a contemptuous look before climbing out of the pool to join me.

"Could she be more obvious," I whisper as she dries herself off.

She shrugs watching Paulette attempt to engage Johnny in conversation. "It's sorta Steph's fault. She's very publically snubbing him, and you can't treat a guy like that, especially a T bird. I don't blame him for retaliating, he's gotta save face."

"I guess you're right." However, I can't help feeling uncomfortable on Steph's behalf as I watch Paulette swat an imaginary fly away from Johnny. She seems oblivious though, her head's in a magazine and she doesn't once look in their direction. I guess Sharon's right and she's simply humouring Johnny because to keep her place in the pink ladies.

"Oh, forget about them," Rhonda says disdainfully. "They're Rydell's original Romeo and Juliet."

I can't help snorting, "If you say so."

"What's that?" Sharon asks moving away from Louis. Rhonda repeats the conversation to her. "Well if Romeo and Juliette had hand grenades," Sharon says sniffing, "But they're far from star-crossed lovers."

She then goes into a long monologue about the play while Louis quietly creeps up behind her, sweeping her off her feet and taking her to the edge of the pool. "Oh my god, Louis Dimucci, if you dare-" she lets out a loud screech as he throws her into the water before jumping in himself. I watch as she screams obscenities at him, but Louis simply laughs at her indignation.

Rhonda rolls her eyes at them before turning back to me. "So let's talk about something else. What's the story with your new man."

I stare blankly at her before realising she's talking about Michael, and my cheeks start to burn. "I've told you, it's too soon to say." I've always liked Michael, and he can certainly hold his own in the looks department, but as far as he's concerned we're friends. "I'm not sure he even likes me."

"He took you out on a date, didn't he?"

"Kinda...but I don't think he fancies me."

"Then he must be blind," Rhonda says frowning. "If he-" She pauses as we hear Steph's raised voice. Johnny's rejoined her and they're gesticulating at each other furiously.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2020 ⏰

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