Chapter 30

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I stomp past Evelyn as I make my way into the kitchen, I've not spoken to her for the past week and I don't intend to change that any time soon. Not after she made a complete fool of me in front of everyone at the carnival. Just when I felt like I was starting to belong, she goes and has Kenickie throw his weight about with my friends. Okay, Johnny is a bit of an idiot, all the guys are, but she doesn't have to get through twelfth grade with them.

"Still ignoring me?" she asks sitting down at the table. "Fine, it's not like you were a great conversationalist in the first place."

My face heats up and she gives me a superior look. "You're just pissed off cos Danny's all loved up with Sandy," I say without thinking. "Everyone's saying they're gonna get engaged."

"Going to," she retorts correcting my speech. "And like I give a shit."

Now I try to give her a superior look, I've definitely hit a nerve there. Since the carnival, all she's done is mope around the house, none of her friends has been around much and she's barely been out. I grab some juice from the fridge and pour myself half a glass.

"Pass that here," Eve says reaching out, and I hand the carton over without looking at her. "When are you going to drop the act? It's so juvenile."

"Well, I am juvenile." I gulp the juice down, making a point to slurp it. Evelyn winces but I ignore her putting my glass in the sink.

"Aren't you going to wash that?"

"I'll do it later, Rhonda's picking me up in five."

Eve rolls her eyes. "Picking you up in five? You sound mentally deficient, Johnny sure is a good influence on you."

"I'm not seeing Johnny." I don't think I am anyway. "We're hanging out at Sharon's since her folks are out for the day."

"Folks," Eve says shaking her head. "All these put on Americanisms sound so affected."

"I'm climatising, that's all." 

"Whatever," Eve says dismissively. "Don't come running to me when it all blows up in your face."


"So you managed to escape the Wicked Witch of the West," Rhonda jokes as she parks up outside Sharon's house. "Johnny's still running scared from your cousin."

"Evelyn is such a pain in the arse," I grumble. "I don't know what's got into her." I pause before continuing. "Actually, I think I do. She has a huge crush on Danny Zuko! I'm pretty sure she thought he liked her too but obviously not."

Rhonda laughs and I feel a bit guilty, she is my sister after all.

"Danny's been with more girls than you've had hot lunches," she says twirling her hair around her finger. "If Evelyn's interested it's only a matter of time before he gets around to her." We get out of the car and she links her arm through mine as we make our way to Sharon's front door. "But enough of your sister, what's happening with you and Mr Nogerelli?"

I sigh as she raps on the door. "I dunno, I'm not sure if he's really interested or if I'm just a pawn in a game he's playing with Stephanie. And if a few stern words from Kenickie scares him, then he's not the guy for me anyway."

"Good point, but Johnny's the leader of the T birds so he shouldn't be so easily intimidated." She lets out a laugh. "Kenickie is about twenty though, isn't he?"

"Nearly," I say as Sharon opens the door. 

"Hi, come in," she says standing to one side. "Goose, Louis and Davey are already here. And Paulette." I almost breathe a sigh of relief that Johnny and Steph aren't joining us but then I suddenly think, if they're not here, are they somewhere together?

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