Chapter 31

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I'm sprawled out on the sunlounger topping up my tan when mum appears, standing over me. 

"Eve put a T-shirt on over your bikini," she tells me. "The Carringtons are joining us for lunch."

"Eh?" I sit up, pushing my sunglasses back. "I thought they were still in England." Dad used to work with Mr Carrington before we moved to California, and we'd occasionally have them over for dinner.

"Didn't I tell you?" she asks frowning. "I thought I did. Greg got transferred to the plant over here last month, the factory in England is downsizing."

"Right, I suppose I'd better go and smarten up then." I wasn't going to sit and eat lunch in my bikini bottoms! I got up and headed inside, making my way to my bedroom. I pulled on a sundress, before tugging a brush through my hair and tying it back into a ponytail.

"Did you hear?" Sylvia asks as she comes bounding into my room. "Michael Carrington's coming for lunch."

"Oh you're talking to me again are you?" I wiggle my eyebrows at her. 

"I guess...but isn't this the best news?"

"Not really." I fail to muster up any excitement. Michael's inoffensive enough but he's just a kid.

"Well, I think it'll be awesome to have someone else from England in school with me," she says sounding positively giddy.

"He's going to Rydell?"

"Yeah, mum told me."

"That'll be nice for you," I say trying not to snicker. "You can buddy up with him."

"Don't be a bitch Eve," she says scowling. "It's alright for you, you've got loads of friends."

My face falls. "You reckon? I've barely seen the guys since grad." Rizzo is in summer school along with Frenchy, Doody and Sonny, and it goes without saying that Danny is loved up with Sandy now. I should probably make the effort with Marty and Jan but out of high school, I'm not sure we have a lot in common.

"You're not still sulking about Danny are you," Sylvia says getting my hackles up.

"Don't be stupid, he was only ever a friend." That's not a lie, I think I built the whole thing up in my head when it was nothing more than a childish crush. "Come on, let's go downstairs and you can woo young Mr Carringston."

She flushes. "I don't like him like that, but it'd be nice to have a friend of my own, I'm tired of always being the tag along."

"Don't try so hard, let them come to you," I suggest and she pulls a face.

"I've tried that and then they forget I exist. If I didn't call Rhonda or Sharon I wouldn't get invited to anything."

"So don't wait to be invited, just show up."

She rolls her eyes. "I can't to that when I don't even know where they'll be."

"Fair enough." She's right, it's not so easy to keep up with people when you aren't seeing them day to day in school, and hearing what their plans are. I resolve to make more of an effort with my friends going forward.

"Girls!" mum shouts. "Come on down." They must be here already and Sylvia is dashing down the stairs at breakneck speed. Mum ushers us into the room, an eager smile on her face. "Eve, Sylvie, you remember Mr Carrington and his son Michael."

My eyes widen, Michael sure has grown up. He must be about six foot, and with his blue eyes and sun-lightened blond hair, he's not too shabby.

"Hello, nice to see you again," I say sitting down smiling. Sylvia mutters a greeting, her cheeks bright red, as she sits down next to me. I briefly wonder where Mrs Carrington is but it seems like it might be rude to ask.

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