Chapter 18

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"So what was Rizzo doing at your house?" Paulette asks me as we lay our beach towels out on the sand

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"So what was Rizzo doing at your house?" Paulette asks me as we lay our beach towels out on the sand. Rhonda had picked me up but Paulette had knocked at the door and overhead Rizzo talking to Evelyn.

"She's friends with Eve," I say remembering Eve's warning not to gossip. Paulette tuts turning to whisper something in Sharon's ear that I don't catch.

"Who cares anyway?" Sharon says as she sits down and puts her sunglasses on. "They'll be graduating before long and we'll take their place." 

"Yeah then we'll rule the school," Rhonda adds slapping liberal amounts of tanning lotion on her legs. 

"And we're so much better looking as well," Paulette says preening. "Jan's fat, Frenchy's ginger, and Rizzo's....a mess."

"Marty's pretty," I say trying to join in the conversation. 

"I guess," Rhonda says lying down and covering her face with her hat. "But she's the only one."

"I thought you said the guys were joining us," Paulette says to Rhonda who then lifts her hat up straining her neck to look around.

"They are, if anything we're late. Steph might have told me she'd changed her mind. I was waiting outside her house for ages." 

"You should have knocked," Sharon says. 

"I just thought she was running late so I was waiting and...oh it doesn't matter." Rhonda sits up looking uncomfortable and uses her hat to fan her face. 

"Maybe Steph should make her own way in future," Paulette suggests slyly. "If she's gonna flake out all the time." Rhonda doesn't reply, she's holding her hand up to her eyes and looking around the beach.

"Oh there they are," she says smiling. "Over there, playing football." Paulette spins around in the direction Rhonda is pointing and I swear she almost licks her lips. I can just make out Goose and Johnny in the distance, then I spot Louis and Davey amongst some guys I don't recognise.

"I don't get why you call it football when you pick the ball up," I say as I watch them. The game is nothing like football. "It doesn't make sense."

"Yeah it does," Sharon says but when I look at her with raised eyebrows she doesn't elaborate. "It's just a name."

"Well it should be called handball, that would be more accurate." They all pull faces at me.

"Well in soccer they use their hands as well," Paulette says and I shake my head.

"No, only the goalkeeper can. If the other players do they get a foul." I can see she has no clue what I'm talking about, I bet she doesn't know the rules of American football either. I watch the guys playing for a while but I can't work out who's winning. They seem to be spending more time diving in the sand and annoying everyone around them. Eventually, they get bored and head our way.

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