Chapter 12

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"So when are you seeing Vince Fontaine again?" Jan asks Marty while we're sat outside eating lunch. Marty looks around her, making sure she's got an audience.

"He's going to take me to dinner on Friday night." Jan's mouth drops open, I guess she thought Marty was all talk.

"But what about Sonny?"

"Who's Sonny?" Marty quips smugly, and Jan pulls a face at Rizzo.

"Hey it's nothing to do with me," she says snarling as usual. "I wouldn't go with either of them."

"Yeah you prefer crater-" The vicious look on Rizzo's face stops Marty going any further. She makes a little tutting sound but gets her mirror out to scrutinise her appearance, tilting her head this way and that. It's quite a performance to watch.

"So is Sandy back with Danny yet?" Jan asks Frenchy who sighs dramatically.

"She is total overwrought," she says lowering her voice to a stage whisper even though Sandy is sat with Patty well out of hearing. "She thinks Danny went with Cha Cha-"

"Which he did," Marty says looking up from her mirror.

"And she's really upset about it. Especially after what happened at the dance off."

"Sandy shouldn't have walked out like that," I say throwing my halfpenny in. "She left Danny in Cha Cha's clutches."

"She's such a drip," Rizzo says and none of us remind her that she also walked out of the dance. Different circumstances though.

"Why are you so mean about her?" Frenchy asks looking perplexed. "She's really sweet once you get to know her." Somehow I don't think Rizzo does sweet, and she sneers at Frenchy in reply. Frenchy pouts but she doesn't continue her defense of Sandy.

"So are they together or not?" Jan asks again.

"Sorta," Frenchy says but she doesn't sound convincing. "It would be such a shame if they split up, I mean they're like Rydell's very own Romeo and Juliet."

"Don't make me barf," Rizzo snaps and Frenchy looks hurt.

"What's with you today, you're so ratty?" Rizzo looks surprised but she is more bad-tempered than usual. I've not heard a civil word from her all week.

"Yeah well..." Rizzo pauses and then shakes her head. "Forget it, it's nothing." Frenchy exchanges a wary look with Jan while Marty goes back to admiring herself. Rizzo stabs her fork into a meatball and pushes it around her plate, not eating it. She plays with her food for a moment before announcing she's going for a smoke, and abruptly leaving us.


"Hey Rizz, wait," I call catching her up as she heads into the bathroom. She spins around looking annoyed.

"Are you following me?" 

"Well obviously," I say and she laughs. "So what's really going on, you're not upset about Kenickie are you?" She stands in front of the mirror and fluffs her short hair up.

"Nah I'm through with him, I'm through with them all." I raise my eyebrows. "I've had it guys, all they want is one thing."

"That's true," I tell her getting my makeup out to reapply my lipstick. "But I'm sure that's no lightening revelation to you." Her face twists into her usual half smile/half sneer.

"You've got a real high opinion of me Eve," she says bumping my hip but I can tell she's not offended. 

"Actually I have, I know you're not taken in by the bullshit guys spin you."

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