Chapter 26

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"I'm surprised you want to come along and see this," I say to Eve as we wait to be let into the hall for the final showing of the Taming of the Shrew. I'm here for Sharon since she and Rhonda are pretty much the only real friends I have.

"I told Danny I'd keep him company," Eve says flicking her hair over her shoulder. "Sandy's playing Bianca so he was suckered into coming."

I narrow my eyes suspiciously. "So you're here so Danny won't be on his lonesome?"

"Yeah, we're friends. What's wrong with that?"

I can't help rolling my eyes, I don't buy this friends thing at all. "So when are you going to take your driving test, you've had loads of lessons now?"

Eve shrugs. "Soon...look Rhonda's up ahead of us, why don't you go join her."

I know she deflecting but I guess it's none of my business anyway. "Fine, I'll see you later." I push through the crowd, ignoring the grumbles until I'm stood behind Rhonda. "Hey!" I tap her on the shoulder.

"Hi Sylvie," she says spinning around. "Can you believe I'm here again? Third night running!"

"It's the grand finale," I say squeezing in next to her.

"Thank god, this crowd is insane." She sticks her elbows out and ignores the protestations of a girl stood next to her.

"I guess everyone wants a seat at the front." I check my watch and the doors should have opened five minutes ago, no wonder it's so crowded. "Are Steph and Paulette coming?"

"I think so, they've not been to any of the other showings and Sharon would lynch them if they don't. Pink ladies are supposed to stick together."

"Hmm," I murmur as the doors open. They've not said anything about letting me in the gang. I'd thought after Steph split with Johnny she might have since we got a bit closer but she seems to have lost interest in the whole thing.

The doors open and we push our way forward, Rhonda loudly proclaiming, "Watch the nose," to anyone who gets too close to us. We manage to get a seat near the front, and I spot Eve sat with Danny on the other side of us. They have their heads close together and I can't help thinking how cosy they look. Like a real couple.

"Hey," Johnny says sliding into the seat next to me. "I guess you couldn't stay away?" He smirks at me and I shake my head.

"I don't know what you mean Johnny, I'm here for Sharon."

"Shakespeare? Isn't he one of your countrymen?"

"Like hundreds of years ago," I say rolling my eyes. I thought they'd dropped all this stereotypical bullshit but obviously not.

"Yeah, but you like it don't you?" 

"Not especially," I say lowering my voice as it's obvious the play is about to start. "So why are you here?"

"Well Sharon's a friend, Dimucci is anyway, and I saw you sitting here..."

He drifts off and I look at him frowning. "Are you trying to say you're here cos of me?"

"Maybe," he says smirking. "I mean I gotta keep my options open. Me and Steph are kinda on a break but I might want to make it permanent."

"I thought she dumped you?"

He sits back looking pissed off. "She ain't dumped me, nobody dumps Johnny Nogerelli."

I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing, and I'm grateful that Miss Mason takes to the stage and quietens everyone down as she announces the show is about to start. Johnny sits up in his seat, his eyes on Miss Mason, and Rhonda nudges me.

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