motel pool

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It was one of those regular afternoon where Taeyeon just so in mood to drive away from the hectic city life and getting lost with her classic convertible mercedes. She's now at her favorite highway on Las Vegas outskirts, loving the sun that shone on her white skin and the blowing cool wind as she speed up on the quiet road. Taeyeon slowed down when she felt her phone vibrating on her light-washed ripped jeans. She answered the call and place it quite far from her right ear, knowing the caller might ruin her hearing if she place it too close

"Ssup ?"


"Oh come on.. you know me.."

"Well the fact is I know you so well that I knew that you're on leave again before even your dad knowing"

"Heh.. sorry, bud. Please cover me up"

"No worries. I already got a master degree in 'covering Taeyeon'"

"You're the best, Sunny. Oh and don't forget to send the files that is on my table to the Korean branch head manager"

"Roger that. Make sure you'll be back tomorrow"

"For sure.." Taeyeon trailed off and slowed her car more when she saw a girl sitting on large luggages beside the road. The girl look stunning in her denim hot pants, loose black sleeveless tee and a wide-brimmed hat on top of her head.

"Anything else ?"


"Taeng you still there ?"



"Oh shi— yah what the hell ?!"

"I said, is there anything else ?"

"No, no.. thankyou. See you in the office tomorrow" Then she quickly hang up before stopping her car infront of the sittting girl, making the girl look up from the phone on her hand. Taeyeon took off her shades, and the girl's husky voice stopped the words that almost slip through her lips

"Hi, umm do you mind if I hop in ?" She smiled politely

"Uh.. of course not. Where are you going ?"

"It doesn't matter. A long unpleasant story. Now can I..?"

"Sure. Wow that's such a huge ass luggage you brought" Taeyeon immediately jumped off of her car to help carrying the girl's luggages into the car's backseat. Once they're ready, Taeyeon drove again with the beautiful girl on the passanger seat.

"Oops sorry I haven't introduce myself yet. My name is Stephanie Hwang. You can call me Tiffany" Taeyeon looked at the smiling girl on her right side, she put a smile on her face too before introducing herself

"I'm Taeyeon Kim. Nice to meet you, Tiffany-ssi"

"How old are you, Taeyeon-ssi ? I'm 24"

"Drop all those 'ssi's then. I'm 24 too !"

"Oh really ? Wow ! And I'm so thankful to meet you. I don't know what will I do if nobody passes by" the girl laughed

"So do you mind telling me where are you going actually ? Because I'm only here to run away from the city life. It's just too much"

"Well, I'm running away from my ex fiance"

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that. It must be bad"

"It was horrible. I ran away from my apartment because I saw my ex's men tried to find where I stay this morning. My dad treated him like his own son. Well, we met him when he was crying infront of his parents tombstone, at the same cemetary where mommy is burried. Later on dad is really in love with him, he took him under his wings at age 12. We are on the same age. Dad feed him, paid for his school expenses, and loved him wholeheartedly. Since he didn't have a son, I'm the only one he got. Dad was thrilled when he heard that my ex had always loved me, not just as siblings love, but more than that. So I agreed to date him, and I forcedfully engaged with him because dad was sick. I want to make him happy. But my ex, he never did make me happy even once. He acted so good infront of dad but he's just a rotten rat who likes to act when he's alone with me. He didn't love me, he's only over my dad's business. Dad didn't believe me when I told him that my ex is a very bad person. Now that my dad left to the heaven— Wait I'm so sorry I shouldn't have rant so much"

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