Chapter Seventeen

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Shadedstar blinked sleepily, roused by a clamor in the clearing. Shaking her head, she saw that the guards had left. Confused, she poked her head out of the den entrance. Duskgaze was being escorted to her den, a light-gray she-cat leaning on her shoulder, breathing heavily.

Several rogues were glaring at her, clearly angry. The medicine cat also held a small bundle of herbs in her jaws, tail kinked high over her back. She disappeared into her den, the rogues sitting to guard her den, perhaps to keep her from getting out.

Seeing two come back over to the den, the dappled-tabby ducked back in, quickly pretending to be asleep. They entered, jabbing the prisoners roughly to wake them up. Bluespark hissed softly, eyes sparking with annoyance. Her amber eyes flashed, and she unsheathed her claws.

Shadedstar sat up before they could get to her, making them jump, "Don't bother touching me with those claws of yours, I could hear you the moment you came in the den." She causally examined her own claws, an evil grin on her face.

The silver she-cat backed away nervously, eyeing Shadedstar's claws . By now, all the cats in the den were awake, grooming their pelts. The two rogues ushered them out of the den, explaining there was a clan meeting. All of SkyClan had gathered, and the dappled-tabby could plainly see they were thin and malnourished. Except the queens of course, they had kits to feed.

Falconstar stood at the top of the Rock Pile, Darkstar eyeing him coldly. "Tonight someone snuck out, trying to escape." Those words were met with cold silence, but Duskgaze glared at him.

"I wouldn't leave my clan the times are so hard, fox-heart! I was merely helping an injured clanmate, I would never let her bleed to death," the medicine cat snarled at him.

"Quiet!" The tom hissed, "You are no place to be speaking to me like that!"

The golden-brown and dark-brown she-cat sniffed, curling her lip, but said nothing more. Falconstar continued, eyes flashing maliciously. "And yesterday, we had some intruders come onto SkyClan territory."

All eyes were drawn to Shadedstar, Nettlesun, and Bluespark. A few cats gasped, seeing how much Bluespark looked like Stormrunner. The brown tabby unsheathed his claws, waiting for everyone to stop talking.

Shadedstar chuckled softly, "I bet he's going to have one of us fight one of his cats," She remarked to Nettlesun, who blinked at her in confusion.

"Be quiet!" Raven hissed at her. She shot him an innocent look, blinking. She laughed when he curled his lip, then turned her attention back to Falconstar.

"Honeythistle has yet to prove her skill to me, so she can do so now," His gaze flickered over to Shadedstar, "so she will fight ShadedOak."

The dappled-tabby chuckled, stepping forward, "Are you sure? I'd think you'd still be scared of me."

He snorted, "As if I could be scared of a small fur-ball like you."

She purred maliciously, raking her claws through the dirt, "You're going to doubt that belief very quickly."

Honeythistle stalked forward, eyes flashing with confidence, "This should be easy," she padded around the small warrior, "I can easily crush a small fur-ball like you."

The dappled-tabby yawned, showing her teeth, "I've beaten cats far stronger than Thorn. You should be scared," her eyes glinted dangerously.

"Really." The light-ginger she-cat's eyes flashed, her tone sarcastic.

"Really, you should, young one," Shadedstar flashed back, "Haven't your elders told you not to underestimate your enemies?"

"I don't need elders," Honeythistle bared her teeth, then lunged.

The small warrior stepped out of the way, as if she were not in a hurry. Then she unsheathed her claws, raking them across the young warrior's flank. Her green eyes flashed with shock, and she turned with a snarl. Honeythistle pounced, but Shadedstar stepped out of the way again, leaping high into the air.

She landed on the deputy's back, hooking her claws into fur and flesh. As Honeythistle tried to crush her with her greater weight, she leaped off, landing neatly on her paws. Before the light-ginger she-cat could hide her venerable belly again, Shadedstar had her claws unsheathed, landing on her again, she placed unsheathed claws at her throat and belly.

"Can you say I'm easy to beat now?" Her ice-blue eyes flashed, "I could easily just kill you now if I really wanted too."

Honeythistle bared her teeth, hiding her fear, "I'm not done yet!" She threw off Shadedstar, rounding on her.

Nettlesun watched his mate worriedly, scared she might get killed. But he had nothing to worry about, she was stubborn enough to kill a badger. Honeythistle didn't have a chance to dodge as she lunged forward, catching the warrior's paw in her jaws. Tossing her over her shoulder with unexpected strength, she threw her in the river.

The light-ginger warrior stumbled out of the river, eyes wide with shock, "Ho-how did you do that?!"

She purred mildly, answering simply, "Practice and skill."

"You shouldn't be able to do that!" Honeythistle hissed in disbelief, "That's like saying a mouse can fight."

"And that's exactly what I just proved," Shadedstar answered, a sly look on her face, "And you watched me beat you. I know someone who would see that as pathetic."

She muttered something unintelligible, glaring at Shadedstar. The dappled-tabby chuckled, flicking her tail. "What are you laughing at?" Honeythistle glared at her again.

"Oh, nothing," The small warrior composed herself, "Anyways, I have a lesson for you."

Falconstar watched, lip curled in disgust, "Get on with it then!"

She cast a dark look at Falconstar, "A lesson for both of you."

Minnowflame and Duskgaze watched, amused at the looks on the rogues faces, who were very clearly bored. The SkyClan deputy snarled, hissing at Shadedstar. "Then just say it, mouse-brain!"

"You both must learn this lesson; never underestimate your enemies. Especially in battle, when the smallest mistake could get you killed," She flicked a meaningful look at Falconstar, although she wasn't sure if he caught it.

The light-ginger she-cat curled her lip, "That's it? A few words?"

"Yes, but those words cut deep, especially for one who knows what's coming for him," Her tone was meaningful, and dark. Then she turned and sat back down beside her brother, eyes glittering mischeiviously.

Darkstar leaned in to whisper to her, eyes flashing with anticipation, "Ready for the action?" He asked.

"Always," She replied, just as a ferocious yowl went up from the top of the gorge, and a tidal wave of strangers came flooding into the camp.

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