Chapter Fifteen

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Shadedstar took a deep breath, inhaling the familiar scents of home, ignoring the rogues scent. The Gorge lay ahead of her, its steep walls as strong as ever. Though it was leaf-bare, it wasn't terribly cold, yet. It would be colder later in the season.

Bluespark was far more tense though, having never been here in her life. Her tail flicked nervously from side to side, watching the SkyClan cats with wariness in her eyes. As they reached the clearing where meeting where held, the small warrior heard a gasp.

Duskgaze, the SkyClan medicine cat, was staring at Bluespark like she had mice parading out of her ears. Suddenly the rogues froze, hearing a fearsome yowl. Shadedstar sighed, shaking her head, and turned to see Nettlesun.

"No one listens when I tell them to stay in camp, do they?" She muttered to Bluespark.

"Clearly," She chuckled, "Well, Redpaw and Willowpaw did at least."

"Thank StarClan for that!" The dappled-tabby flicked her tail. "And now I'd better go help Nettle before he gets too deep into trouble." She lunged forward, shaking off any rogues that tried to stop her.

Letting out a terrifying screech, she leapt onto a rogue that was about to deliver the killing blow. Nettlesun's pine-green eyes flashed with relief, and he jumped to his paws. She shoved the silver she-cat's muzzle into the dirt, claws unsheathed.

"Stay away from him!" She hissed, letting her run off once the cat had wriggled out of her grasp.

"There you are!" He sighed with relief, greeting her happily, "I thought they might have killed you."

"Them? Kill me?" She cuffed him over the ear playfully with mock offense in her eyes, "I think it would go this way: I would kill them."

The tom laughed, eyes warm, "I knew you'd say that."

"Mouse-brain," She shoved him affectionately, then turned to look at Thorn.

"So...why did you come back, Nettle?" His voice was cold, eyes glinting dangerously.

Nettlesun bared his teeth, eyes narrowed, "To protect my family from you. She's told me how you helped that piece of fox-dung get control over her clan." He jerked his head over at Falconstar.

The pale-brown tom snorted, "What's family to you? Last I saw you had none."

"She has brought me something I never got to have when I served under you!" He hissed, eyes blazing, "Freedom."

"Enough of this!" Falconstar stepped between them, "My patience is short enough having cats trying to rebel, so get this dealt with!" He shot a pointed look at Thorn, then stormed off to the leader's den.

Her mate's eyes grew worried, but she nudged him, "Don't worry, it'll be fine," She winked, eyes glinting, "I know how to deal with situations like this."

Once the rogues finally ushered them to the prisoner's den, Bluespark relaxed just slightly. Darkstar gasped, eyes widening as his sister stepped in.

"ShadedOak...? Is that really you?" His voice was uncertain, but hopeful as well.

Her eyes glowed with warmth, despite their cold color, "Yes, it is really me. And the names Shadedstar now," She corrected him, voice warm.

"How in the name of StarClan did that happen?" The white tom's voice was surprised, touching noses with his sister.

She answered with a purr, sitting down, "I found another clan to belong to, I honestly don't think I'll be an elder in this place. But it is still my home," She gazed out the cave entrance.

"And who's that?" He flicked his tail at Nettlesun, "I can already assume that's your daughter," He glanced over at Bluespark, then his gaze grew teasing, "I saw how close you and Stormrunner were."

"Seriously?" She exclaimed, "Why do you insist on mentioning that even though it's been moons since I left this place?" She shook her head, exasperated, and answered his question, "That's Nettlesun, my mate. My daughter is Bluespark."

"You chose a good name for her. It's a strong one," The dappled tom murmured, "Just like Minnowflame will break through when the time comes."

Curiousity glimmered in Bluespark's eyes, "Who's Minnowflame?"

"One of the cats in my clan," Darkstar answered, and Nettlesun coolly noticed he didn't say 'Falconstar's clan.' After all, it was rightfully Darkstar's.

Shadedstar moved to sit by Nettlesun, curling her tail over her paws, "Minnowflame was rescued as a young kit. Creekheart had found her injured and dying," She explained more in-depth as her brother stared at her in shock.

"What-How...?" He stumbled over his words in shock, "How do you even know that? You were gone when that happened!"

The dappled-tabby chuckled, amused, "I have my ways, brother." She flicked her tail over his ears playfully. Her mate laughed, eyes shining as she continued, "just like I know that there's a few certain cats whose ends are near." A wicked look came into her eyes.

The dappled tom laughed, "And there is no way they will escape your wrath," Then he curled his tail over his paws, laying down, "We should all get some rest, it's going to be a busy day tomorrow." Then he promptly started snoring.

His sister laughed, taking a few seconds to regain her breath, "And he says I sleep like a log!"

"Well, you kind of do when you actually fall asleep," Nettlesun commented, eyes glinting playfully.

"Hey!" She complained, cuffing him over the ear, "you be quiet, mouse-brain." She chuckled softly, closing her eyes. Bluespark shook her head, suppressing laughter, then lay down beside her mother to sleep.

Once they were all asleep, there was movement out in the clearing. A light-gray she-cat was pacing nervously in the clearing, worry alight in her eyes. A light-ginger she-cat cat approached her, eyes narrowed, but slightly kind as well.

"What's worrying you, sis?" She asked.

The light-gray she-cat looked her sister in the eye, tail flicking, "Nothing, I just get the feeling there's something awful about to happen."

"Do you want to talk?" The light-ginger she-cat asked softly, the faintest hint of menace in her voice.

"Yes, but preferably not here," she glanced around nervously, light-blue eyes glittering in the moonlight. The two cats padded out of the Gorge, unaware of two sleek forms slipping out after them. The two young warriors made it to a secluded area, far from any other cats, or so the light-ginger she-cat thought.

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