Chapter Four: The Battle

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ShadedOak sat down outside of the den, her thick fur blocking out the cold. Her kits ran around in the snow, eyes bright. They were chasing Flickerkit and Russetkit around, attempting to pounce on them. She chuckled when Bluekit stumbled, landing in a snowdrift.

Her long legs got in the way, but she would grow into them. ShadedOak had no doubt in her mind that she would be as fast as her father when she grew up. Watching her kits play helped her push thoughts of the coming battle out of her mind, but not for long.

Pineblaze burst into the camp, panic in his eyes. "We're outnumbered! The others need help now!" 

"Where's Blizzardsky?" ShadedOak raced over.

"With the rest of the patrol. They need help! Let's go!" He turned and raced out of camp again, reinforcements following.

The small warrior turned to go help, but Bluekit's small mew stopped her. "Where are you going?"

"Your clanmates are in trouble. I have to go help, my dear," she spoked softly. "You must stay here where it's safe. Owlleaf will look after you until I get back."

"You have to come back!" Her kits gathered around her.

"I will come back, I promise," She turned and ran out of the camp, following the rest of the warriors.

She ran like the wind, dodging trees and bushes, the wind at her back. Screeches were brought to her as she neared the WindClan border. Cats surged into battle, yowls and challenges rising above the rushing wind. 

The light of the fading sun revealed WindClan warriors. She bristled when she recognized a single scent. Once of them turned towards her.

"Thorn," she hissed, baring her teeth, eyes darkening with hate. "Why bother coming here when there's nothing you want?"

"Oh, there's plenty I want," His eyes glinted maliciously. "Your kits." He flicked his tail at something behind her.

"NO!" She hissed, lunging at the rogue with Duskkit in his jaws Bluekit and Frostkit ducked into a thorny bush, safe within the brambles.

Lashing her tail, she swiped at the rogue, but before the blow hit, three other cats appeared behind her. Emberclaw, Cloudedheart, and Adderthorn had cornered her against a tree while Thorn escaped with her kit.

She snarled, swiping at Cloudedheart first, then lunged at Adderthorn, shoving him into the thorn bush, and kicking out at Emberclaw, catching him on the muzzle. ShadedOak moved faster than she had ever moved, for all of her kits. Lunging at Emberclaw, she pressed his muzzle into the ground, anger glowing in her eyes.

Fear flashed in his eyes, and he froze for a heartbeat, seeing someone else. "You know who I'm going to kill for what you three just pulled?" ShadedOak snarled menacingly. "You." She raked her claws along his belly, knocking away Cloudedheart when he tried to help.

As she reached for his throat, a heavy weight knocked her to the ground, and Emberclaw raced away, fear scent heavy in the air. Adderthorn's yellow eyes glared down at her, a smirk on his face.

"You know what your weakness is?" He purred maliciously. An annoyed, but small hiss sounded beside him. Cloudedheart had pinned Bluekit to the ground, who was struggling to get free.

"No! Leave her alone! I'd rather die than let you hurt her!" She hissed, struggling to her paws. Sitting in the nursery had dulled her skills, and it bothered her. "So let her go!" 

"How sweet," Adderthorn sneered, "You'd rather spare your kit's life than your own."

"I would do it any day!" She shot back at him. He lunged, aiming for her throat.

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