Chapter Fourteen

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[FORGIVE MEH PLEASE. I know I haven't updated in forever, but I've been busy with the musical at my school. But now it's over, I had a lot of fun with it. ;3. So I SHOULD be able to update more often now. Enjoy the next chapters!


Shadedstar moved faster, both eager to get home and worried at the same time. What had happened after she had the vison? Was her clan safer now that it had been? She had been traveling for six days now, along with Bluespark. The clan was safe in Twigstem's paws while she was gone.

"Slow down!" Bluespark exclaimed, "I'm excited to see SkyClan territory, but do you see me going that fast? No."

"SkyClan is in danger!" Her mother flicked her tail, but slowed down a little bit, "But with your long legs you shouldn't have a problem keeping up," Shadedstar teased.

Her amber eyes glinted crossly, but her heart wasn't in it, "I know that," She grinned, "but I thought I would try to annoy you."

The small warrior chuckled, "Enough of that now, we need to keep moving, we're almost there. I can feel it in my bones."

Home! Her heart sang, and the two cats moved through the trees, unaware of two others following. The faint scent of SkyClan, mixed with rogue, touched her nose as she tasted the air. The leaf-less trees moved in the wind, branches clattering together.

Bluespark surged ahead, sniffing at a scent line, "Is this the border?"

"Yes, it is," Her mother answered, wrinkling her nose, "it seems those rogues have been keeping up with the border patrols. Come on, let's go through the trees so we're not caught."

Leaping up into the trees, she and Bluespark began to race through the branches, glancing down at the ground ever so often. Shadedstar paused, scanning the ground below, spotting a clearing. A cat sat by the edge, eyes closed.

Joy lit up the dappled-tabby's eyes, "Redglow!" She jumped down, racing to greet him.

"ShadedOak?" Disbelief flared in his eyes, "I thought you were dead!" He touched noses with his friend. He purred softly as recognition flickered in his eyes, "And who's this?" He glanced over at Bluespark.

Shadedstar correct him with a purr, "It's Shadedstar now. And that's my daughter, Bluespark."

"She looks exactly like Stormrunner..." The tom murmured. He jumped back as Nightpaw and Pinepaw jumped down.

"Don't forget about us!" Pinepaw exclaimed.

The small warrior's eyes widened, "What in the name of StarClan are you two doing here? I told you to stay with the clan!"

Redglow chuckled, "Oh dear, I think they get that from your father. More of yours I assume?"

"Yes," Shadedstar sighed, shaking her head, "That's Pinepaw, and that's Nightpaw."

The tom laughed, seeing the apprentice was named after her father, "Well, nice to meet you," He greeted the two, glancing over at Bluespark fondly as well, "I'm your mother's clanmate."

"So your kin?" Pinepaw could plainly see her mother did not look like him, but felt he was like kin in a way.

"Of course," Redglow was cut off as a rustling sounded in the undergrowth. His eyes narrowed, then he relaxed as Frostshadow and a light-brown she-cat emerged.

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