Chapter Twenty-Three

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[Here's the last chapters to this book. I have finished it! All my life goals are accomplished now...XD. Anyways, before I get off-track, enjoy the end of this fanfiction!


Shadedstar curled up in her nest, her kits sleeping around her. She still felt uncomfortable sleeping in the warrior's den at the ShadeClan camp. Sometimes she felt him watching her closely, as if waiting for something to happen. She and her kits had been there for four days now, resting and recovering.

Even so, she felt she couldn't sleep, like an attack might come at any moment. She sighed, flicking her tail. Surely there wouldn't be anything going on tonight? Shaking out her pelt, she slid out of the den, sitting down and looking up at the waning moon. The stars glittered, shining faint light down upon the camp.

Her eyes narrowed slightly as she spotted Burnttalon walking calmly towards her, "What are you doing up so late?" Shadedstar's voice and eyes betrayed nothing of her true feelings. "The moon-high patrol left long ago."

"That's none of your business. What are you doing up at this hour?" The tom flashed back at her, eyes glinting, "But...I do have something to tell you."

"And what's that?" The dappled-tabby's voice was cold, eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"Raven wants to talk with you," He stalked around her, tail flicking slowly, threateningly, "He wanted me to come with so there wouldn't be any...surprises."

Shadedstar bristled, lip curling, "And why would I go somewhere when I would so clearly get ambushed?" Her claws unsheathed, tail curled protectively over her flank, rounded with her kits.

"What in the name of StarClan are you two doing up so late? And being so aggressive for that matter," Tigerrunner padded up, eyes glinting as he flashed a look at Burnttalon.

The small warrior glared at him, "Why would I tell you the reason? I'm sure you already know," Her ice blue eyes narrowed coldly, "I've seen you talking with him more than once, and you both have looked over at me."

"'re far more powerful than you appear to be," The light brown tom remarked thoughtfully, "You could be useful in my plans."

Shadedstar scoffed, tail lashing, "As if I'd let you use me!" She was a whisker away from clawing him before the moon-high patrol padded into the camp, and she stepped back.

Cedardawn looked over curiously, "What was going over here?"

The dappled-tabby turned away sharply, "Nothing that you need know," And stalked back into her den before the she-cat could answer.

Willowblaze blinked sleepily, lifting her head as her mother stalked back into the den, "Are you alright?"

Shadedstar flicked her tail, "I'm fine, just a certain aggravating someone bothering me when all I wanted was peace."

"Well, he can go jump off a cliff for all I care," The silver she-cat muttered, yellow eyes annoyed, "If he's interrupting your peace, then he should go jump off a cliff."

The small warrior growled under her breath, "I'd appreciate it if Raven would go jump off a cliff. He really gets on my nerves," Then she paused, adding on, "Actually, make that all of my enemies."

Nightshade lifted his head, annoyed, "Would you stop talking so I can sleep? Or is that a foreign concept to you that cats actually have to sleep?"

"Sorry, Nightshade, I didn't realize talking bothered you," Willowblaze answered cheekily.

Shadedstar chuckled, "I hope your new sisters or brothers aren't as annoying as you two," She flicked Willowblaze over the ear with her tail, "Now let's get some sleep so you aren't irritable when it is time to wake up."

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