The Cobra #2***

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  • Dedicated to To my father, who took the tine to start editing this book :)

I woke up with a headache. I groaned and rolled over. The hard surface felt uncomfortable against my skin. 

Wait, hard surface? 

Then I remembered the events of the night.  I shot up like a rocket, wide awake now.  I was in a bare, white room.  I looked down and saw that I was sleeping on a cot.  I had been kidnapped and there was nothing I could do about it.  I hugged my knees to my chest and started crying.  It didn't last long.

What are you doing, Shay.  Don't show weakness.  They'll just use it against you!

I wiped my eyes and looked around for a bathroom.  Apparently the only things here were a sink and a cot.   I should send a complaint letter to management.

I got up and instantly a wave of dizziness swept over me.  I kept going until i reached the sink which thankfully had hot water.  I splashed my face to get rid of the old make-up and dried my face with the only towel there.

I looked around and saw the locked door.  I needed to make up my mind and quick.  Should I stay in here until someone comes in to get me, most likely my kidnapper, or bang on the door and scream for help.  That will probably attract the kidnapper to the noise.  I really have to relieve myself anyway so I'll go for the second one.

I walked to the door, without getting dizzy again, and started banging on the door with all the strength I could muster.  Not a second later the door was opened by a guy about sixteen with curly brown hair and chocolate eyes.  He seemed rather young to be a kidnapper, but he was the enemy nontheless.

He had a blank look on his face when he opened the door but it soon vanished and was replaced with a wide grin when he saw me.  Talk about creepy.

"You're Shay, right?"

I just nodded, entranced for a moment with those chocolate eyes.  I snapped out of it when he started speaking again.

"Yeah, so, don't be mad or anything, but i'm the one that, you know, took you... but if it's any consolation,  I had to go to the infirmary to get myself checked out because of the fight you put up."

I cracked a smile at that.   "Why did you take me?"

He sighed.  "Shay, you were picked to be part of The Cobra.  An assassin spy organization."

I just looked at him for a long moment.  Then, when his words sunk in, I jumped up in bewilderment.  "I am not going to become a cold hearted murderer," I yelled.  "I refuse to!"

"Shay you have a choice, but they're not good ones. If you do become an assassin, you just do, but if you don't, we kill you---"

"Fine, just kill me! I don't care!" I interrupted.

"Shay, you didn't let me finish. If you don't become an assassin, we kill you and your family."

Ok, I may have to think about this a bit more.

"At least tell me we kill bad people like murderers and drug lords and bomb makers. You know, people like, oh I don't"

He sighed. " Yes, we do kill bad people, but we sometimes have to take other necessary measures as well."

It was my turn to sigh. That's when I realized how exhausted I really was.  Mentally and physically.  I laid down on my cot.  It was so rough against my skin that  I flinched.

"Do you get paid?  Are there any benefits? Because it doesn't look like it,"  I retorted.  "This is the most uncomfortable thing I've ever touched."

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