The Cobra #5***

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Five years later...

I walked into the rundown cafe with an air of confidence. I looked around for my target. Jacob Sanchez. I finally spotted him at the other end of the cafe with another guy in a business suit. Typical.  Probably another one of his deals. The guy was into smuggling ivory from Africa. And I'm not going to say poor elephants. I seriously don't care about those filthy animals. I cared about getting the job done and then taking a well deserved nap before training. Well, my own training. I "graduated" at the top of my class a year ago.

I sauntered over to Sanchez. Mission: Seduction and kill. In his file it said he was a player in high school (which he dropped out of in his second year) and he was a real ladies man.

Is it wrong to use that to my advantage?

Not to me.

I stopped at his booth.

" Hey there." I said, effectively getting all his attention while the other man was ignored.

"Hey," he said in a low voice that was supposed to make my knees into jelly. 

Key word: Supposed.

Oh, and by the way, I'm gagging in my head.

"Wanna come outside with me?" Gosh, I hate my job sometimes.

Then I just got up and left, knowing he'd follow.

I heard him say, " Hey man, I got to go, we'll arrange another meeting some other time." And the other man grumble a reply before heading out of ear shot.

Sanchez walked out the door seconds later, saw me and sauntered over to me with what was supposed to be 'swag'.

Spoiler Alert!  It didn't.  Not a bit of it, and, I was used to this kind of behavior.  Happened every day.

"Follow me." he said.

I did as he asked. I couldn't make the kill in front of the shop, even though I was in disguise. Right now I'm the prep school girl, Maggie, with brown hair and green eyes. Weird, I know.

He led me into an shaggy building that from a distance looked lop-sided like the leaning tower of pizza. Yeah, definitely not going in there. I scanned the perimeter. Nobody. Great, now I don't have to go into that stupid building. No, I'm not afraid of going in there.  I'm practically immune to that.  It's not part of  my vocabulary anymore.

"Hey, Sanchez!" I purposefully used his last name which he hadn't given me.

He stopped in mid-stride and turned around.

"How do you know my name?"

I smirked.

"Well, there are these things called files. I was given one, and I read your name.  Easy. "

He looked at me like I'm insane. Well, all of them do.

"I get this file, see."  I walked towards him. "So I can learn how to kill you."

He studied my face. When he realized that I wasn't bluffing, he started running.

"Wrong move!" I called before running after him. I tackled him and pinned him to the ground.  I took out my gun and pointed it at his head.  

"Shouldn't have been bad." I whispered in his ear before pulling  the trigger.

I took my gloves off and admired my work. The rush of adrenaline hadn't worn off yet so I kicked him a few times near his rib cage. Done. Number, somewhere around 200 completed. I lost count of how many people I killed..

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