The Cobra #4***

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"Shay!  Where the heck are you?  Were you kidnapped?  Are you okay?  Please come home, we're all worried sick!"  She kept on babbling but I was numb.  How, how could this be?  How did I have a phone in my room?

"Shay! Are you there? Please still be there!" 

I zoned back into the real world.

"You have no idea how glad I am to hear your voice," I whispered fiercely.

"Shay, where are you?"

"I...I don't know.  All I know is that I was kidnapped and recruit---"  The door burst open and Edward and Cole came running in.  Edward ripped the phone out of my hand and slammed the phone down to end the call.

"No!" I yelled.  I tried to claw at Edward but Cole held me back. "I hate you," I screamed.  "I hate all of you!  You ruined my life."  That last one came as a whisper as I slumped into Cole's arms, defeated. I was so close.  So close to getting my normal life back.

I started crying.  All the emotions I had kept bottled up since the week I was taken came flooding out.  I sobbed and cried until I couldn't anymore. Cole was still holding me and Edward was just looking at me with a blank expression on his face. I shouldn't have expected any more from him.  He was cold and heartless like everybody else in this stupid place.

"I hate you." I repeated again. "I hate you so much."

"Cole, put her in lock down. She needs to come to terms with her life."

Cole sighed but did as he was told.  I struggled but he held me tightly.  I liked it.

Edward looked at me. "You're a foolish girl. Take her away."

"No!" I screamed at him. "Let me go! You're all monsters! Let. Me. Go!"  I started to struggle again as Cole lifted me bodily from the floor and started to carry me away.  "Monsters! Pathetic Bloody Monsters! All of you!" I yelled and screamed and ranted while I was being taken to this 'lock down' place.  

"You ruined my life!" I said to Cole, looking him right in the eye as I was thrown into a metal holding cell and the door clanged shut.

**** **** **** **** ****

"Metal, metal, metal.  It's all I see.

The hearts of these people are metal and always will be. "

Yep, I've gone insane. I'm making up poems.

I've been here for five hours with no entertainment whatsoever. So, I've been reduced to making up poems in my head. For the first hour I screamed every curse word I could think of at the guard in front.  And you know what he did? He sprayed me. Literally sprayed me with water. I think he mistook me for Puss in Boots or something.  Too bad for him because he got a whole hour more of curse words from Moi. The third hour I practically threw everything in the tiny cell around. Which wasn't much because everything was bolted down. But i'm pretty sure the guard was secretly relieved I wasn't screaming profanities at him anymore. The fourth hour a new guard was assigned.  And guess what I did.  I screamed curse words at him the whole hour. At least he didn't have the spray bottle with him. The fifth hour I sat on the ground and meowed. Yep, You heard me right, I meowed at the guard through the tiny window. And you know what he did? He asked the former guard for his spray bottle and sprayed me through the window.  I shouted profanities at him for a good half hour.  For the last ten minutes, I've been making up poems. All the while reciting them out loud for the benefit of the camara in the corner of the wall.  I'm pretty sure someone was watching. At least he had some entertainment for the last five hours.

I got up and went to the door.  Dang it, the guard still has his spray bottle. Then I realized he was asleep.

This outta be good.

I pressed my face against the window bars, took a deep breath and yelled at the top of my voice.


The guard, startled, jumped and fell off the chair. He landed on the bottle, and because of his weight it broke and got water all over him.

I was laughing so hard I doubled over and fell to the ground.  Okay, I take that back, this is the best entertainment ever. I looked up at the window and saw the guard looking at me with hate-filled eyes.

The feeling's mutual, buddy.

He grumbled profanities under his breath and walked back to his toppled over chair. I looked through the window again only to see that his whole left side was covered in water because of the bottle.

"That's what you get for treating me like a cat, buddy!" I yelled at him. "And nice spungebob boxers!"  I had caught sight of them when he had bent over to grab his chair.

He blushed and heaved up his pants but that just sent me into another fit of hysterical laughter.  He grumbled something that sounded like 'I hate kids' under his breath before sitting back down in his chair.

I swear I heard through the camara someone chuckle on the other side of the camera.

Keep on laughing buddy. Its all the entertainment you're gonna get.

I heard a metal door door scrape open and then close. Edward's booming voice echoed off all the cells around me.

"Adams! Were are you!" He yelled.

" Yeah, Adams, were are you!  Princess land?" I said.

What had this cell done to me? But I'm still not taking back what I said about Princess land.

I swear I heard Edward chuckle as he made his way down the hall towards my cell.

The guard got up and mumbled an apology to Edward as he came near.

"Take her out of here and escort her to her room."

I heard him say under his breath. "Finally!"

"Ahh? You don't love me, Adams? That hurts sooo much!"


"Hey Edward? Does he always grumble this much or is it just me?"  I swear I saw the corner of Edward's mouth tug upwards.

"Its just you," he said.  "Now come on." The cell door opened and Edward grabbed my arm, dragging me to the exit.  We went down some halls and stopped at my room. He opened the door and threw me onto the floor.

"Look at the file on your bed. You take out the target tomorrow.  Daniels, this is you're life. Don't fight me. You can't win."  With that he closed the door and left me laying there, thinking.

I sighed.

He was right. This is my life. And I was fighting a losing battle. I had to embrace it. Embrace my fate. And get a grip on myself.

His words echoed in my mind.   Don't fight me, you can't win.

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