The Cobra #12 Part 2***

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Hours. It lasted hours. The torture was excruciating. He used any and every gadget you could think of, from knifes to whips. Yes, he whipped me. And it hurt, a lot. I didn't let out a single tear though, not a single cry of pain. Why? Because I knew if he found me a weakling, I would be done for. Use my weaknesses against me.

The only thing that kept me going was knowing that if I lived through this, I could live through anything.

Okay, I was joking. I knew that if I lived through this, I would see my family again. Not the thing I said before. I wished that too, but you can't have everything.

The whip connected with my back, again, and I gritted my teeth. He just kept on going and going, like he didn't get tired. According to the stories I've heard throughout the years, he probably doesn't. He finally stopped after another few minutes and picked up a gun.

Well, poop.

He twirled it around his finger like it was a knife.

"Want me to end your suffering?" He asks mockingly.



While I was mind battling, I didn't say anything to him. Apparently annoyed, he came closer to me.

"Are you sure you don't want to answer, Daniels? You know you'll have to pay the consequences." He whispered into my ear.

I just moved my head to the side and looked away from him.

He grabbed my chin gruffly and forced me to look at him. "Look at me when I'm talking to you," he said through gritted teeth.

I looked into his light blue orbs, and couldn't help but think they looked familiar.

A look of recognition passed through my features.

"Why do you have my eyes?"

He looked confused for a second at my question, but then smirked. "Get a good look at me," he said. He backed up. "Then you'll see."

I stare at him, trying to make out where he was going with this.

Snap out of it, Shay! Focus.

With that in mind I looked intently at The Cobra.

He had golden locks of hair, blue eyes...

A look of pure recognition and disbelief crossed my face.

"Uncle John?"

He chuckled darkly. "In the flesh."

I start thrashing around in my chains, screaming.

"How could you do this to us! To your family! We loved you! How could you do this! You monster!"

I kept on screaming while he just stood there, no emotions on his face.

"I hate you." I whispered.

His oh-so-infamous smirk appeared back on his face.

"Everybody does."

I looked at him. I just couldn't believe it.

How did Dad's brother become The Cobra? One of the deadliest men on earth?

This is so messed up.

He twirled the gun in his fingers again. "Want to know why I'm doing this?" He asked in an evil manner.

I nodded my head reluctantly, not wanting to admit that he was right, that I was dying to know how he was driven to a life like this.

"Find out for yourself."

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