The Cobra #7***

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The next day was normal, well at least for the little people in our town. To me, it was a different kind of normal.  Normal was going to the cinema on a date, or maybe walk around town or jump into the lake on a hot summer night.  To me, normal was checking out the house for signs of my Fathers real work to see why he has to be killed.  After everybody left, thinking I was still sleeping, my normal plan was to finish this job and then train for my next target and learn everything about them. That, was my normal.

I scoped the place out for about an hour and didn't find anything.  He was either innocent, or he was really good at hiding things. Considering the Cobra sent his best agent, not caring that she was the daughter of the target, they apparently believed the latter.

I didn't know what to believe.

I decided to go to the lake and take some pictures to maintain my cover. I put on my make up and grabbed my camara.

I closed the front door after double checking I hadn't forgotten anything. I walked down the steps and asked the neighbor where the lake was. She told me and I went on my way.

°°°° **** **** **** ****

I had been walking for about ten minutes and I still hadn't found it. Where the heck is the stupid lake?

I lived here for about, oh right, fifteen years, so basically all my life before I was recruited, and I couldn't find the stupid lake I'd gone to every other weekend?

Well, poop.

I turned and found myself at the start of a cobblestone path. I walked down it and took a few pictures. I finally made another turn and found myself at the lake. Finally!

I took a few pictures from different angles to make it seem professional.  I was about to walk to the other side of the lake when my phone rang.  I looked at the caller ID and saw the name Mike, meaning Edward was calling.  He didn't use his real name in case someone was near by, like a target.

I answered it.

"What?" I stated bluntly, but Edward was used to my antics.

"We found something out." Edward said calmly, but I could tell he was itching to tell me. That meant bad news, for me.

"Oh? And what was the wonderful news you wanted to tell me?"  Sarcasm was clear as day in my voice, but like always, he ignored it.

"Its about your apparent best friend a long time ago. Maya Mitchell. When you went missing she joined a gang that sold guns illegally. You get your guns from her.  Go to twenty fifth Walker street. Its her selling point. Go now."  With that, the line went dead.

I didn't know if I should have been overjoyed or somewhat disappointed. Oh, well, I couldn't really feel anything anyways.

I headed toward the address that Edward had given me, careful to make sure that nobody was following me.

I went through a bad neighborhood that, when I was little, I was told to stay away from. Now it seemed like it was full of rainbows and pots of gold to me.  I turned into Walker street and stopped at house number  twenty five.

I never thought I'd be visiting Maya to get guns. I never thought I'd become an assassin either. So I'm definitely not in place to judge right now.  I knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" A gruff low voice called.

I pondered on that a moment. I decided to use my fake name.

"Delilah Evergreens and I'm here to get some guns from your boss Maya Mitchell, " I called through the door.   Nothing like the direct approach.

Seconds later the door squeaked open by a stout man with dirty blonde hair, reeking of rotten fish and a week's stuble on his chin.

"Follow me," was all he said.

He led me down rotten hallways, with the wall paper peeling and rats scurrying under my feet.  He finally stopped at a pristine white door that said MM on it. It looked like the door was the only thing new and clean in this whole place.  As I was examining it, the guy turned around and left without saying a word.

I slowly twisted the brass knob. I didn't know why I was hesitating. I had my disguise on so she wouldn't reconize me anyways.  When I opened the door, I saw Maya all in black leather, hair pulled into a pony tail, bent over a rifle that looked state of the art.

"Sit down." She said without looking up.

"Nah, I'm good."

Her head snapped up. Looks like someone wasn't used to being defied.

Recognition passed through her features.

"I was wondering when you would come, Delilah was it?  I knew you weren't no innocent citizen with the moves you had. "

I laughed.

"Looks like my acting skills are pretty rusty."

"Enough with the chit chat!" She was suddenly all business. "What are you looking for here. What kind of guns?"

"Any you can give me."

"Sign this." She thrust a piece of paper in front of my face.  I decided to get cocky.  Instead of signing with my fake name, I signed with something else.  "There you go."  I handed the paper back to her.

She took it and looked down.  She gasped and looked up.

"Hey, Mayflower. I missed ya."  I smiled.

"Shay? Is that really you?"

"As real as I'll ever be,"

She rounded her desk and stood a few feet away.

"B-but I t-thought you were dead?"

"Well you can tell I'm not."   Although I wish I was.

"So, where have you been?"  A tear escaped and ran down her cheek.

"Oh you know, all around the world, here and there, killing people," I stated calmly.

"But I thought you were kidnapped!"

"Oh, don't get me wrong Maya, I was kidnapped." Edward would have my head if I told her I was recruited to The Cobra.

"Then why the hell are you here?"

"I already told you. I need guns."

"Uuugh!" She yelled. "Why are you being so calm about this?"

"Because...I want to be calm," I state calmly.

She finally sat down on the edge of her desk. "How can I help you?"

I smirk.

"I need your best guns. I don't really know why, only that I need them."

She went back to sit in her chair behind the desk.

"Oh, and Maya?"


"I missed you."

She smiled weakly.  "So have I." 

She laughed.


"Who would have though that two perfect goody-goody girls would become so corrupt?"

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