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Hey everyone, this is going to be mostly a story layout so yeah enjoy.
Dyl-Pickle🥒: AYEEEEEEE

Thomas🚀: You got your emoji back, yayy.

Dyl-Pickle🥒: Yeah, I was just being really sad yesterday.
Dyl-Pickle🥒: BUT IM BETTER NOW. How about some of that D to make me feel even better ;)

Thomas🚀: Shut up.

Dyl-Pickle🥒: Sowwy.
Dyl-Pickle: Anyways, I'm going out with my best friends so I won't be replying for the rest of the day :(

Thomas🚀: Oh, alright :(

Dyl-Pickle🥒: Don't miss me too much ;)

Dyl-Pickle🥒 is offline.
Dylan's POV

I walk into the coffee shop, as usual. Take a seat at our usual table. It's just like a normal day. But today is definitely different.

Today is the day I come out to my best friends. I am nervous, but it has to be done.

I sit in my seat, picking at the skin from my thumbs from being so nervous. All these questions are rushing through my head. Will they hate me? What if they don't accept me? All these questions won't go away.

All I can do right now is hope that they'll accept me. I arrived about 10 minutes early than what we had all said we'd do, but I'm way too nervous and I have to 'practice' what I'm going to say.

'So guys, I really need to tell you something. But before I tell you, I need you to promise me you'll accept me.. I'm gay.'

Maybe I should just say that because I don't really have to go into detail about people I like and whatever.

I can't take my eyes off the door, they really need to get here. I'm dying to tell

Another 5 minutes passed and they finally walked in.

"Dylan do you not think you got here a bit early?" Holland asks, giggling.

"Yeah, it's because I have something to tell you guys." I say, gulping.

They all exchange weird looks and sit down. I closed my eyes for about 2 seconds and try to 'prepare' myself.

"So...?" Shelly says. She said it more of a question.

"Okay, before I tell you, I need you all to promise me that you'll accept me no matter what." I start.

"Promise." They all say in unison.

"Alright so.. I'm gay." I say, still extremely nervous.

"I KNEW IT!" Tyler whisper shouts.

"How did I not see it before?" Holland laughs, earning a nod from shelly in agreement.

"Dylan, you know it was really obvious." Tyler laughs.

"Dylan's gay, yay." Shelly laughs.

I smile, I was expecting the worse, instead I get the most accepting friends and at this point; I'm happy I told them.

"Oh Dylan?" Tyler asks.

"What's up?" I ask, looking up at him.

"I was going to ask you if you wanted to come move in with me?" He asks smiling.

I smile brightly. "Yeah, sure." I say.

We spent the rest of the time at the coffee show joking and asking about all our families, just the usual. But I feel so much better now I have a weight off my chest, from something I've been hiding for so long.

Hey my dudes. I still haven't published this story yet; it's confusing. Basically i'm writing a bunch of chapters before i actually publish the story so i haven't actually uploaded all the other chapters yet.

im really hoping this book doesn't flop.

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