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So Dylan has now been in the bathroom getting changed for about 15 minutes. Surely it doesn't take that long.

Tommy😴: Where the bloody hell are you .

Dyl-Pickle🥒: Let me get ready in peace.

Tommy😴: You take even longer than my sister, Dylan.

Dyl-Pickle🥒: Shut your mouth I get ready at my own pace.

Tommy😴: Well how long is your own pace?

Dyl-Pickle🥒: I don't know, as long as I need.

Tommy😴: Hurry up or I'll be sleeping by the time you get back.

Dyl-Pickle🥒: Gimme a minute.

After another 10 minutes he finally came out and literally looked barely any different. He changed his clothes and played around with his hair a bit, he did look gorgeous don't get me wrong. But it wasn't worth 25 minutes.

"Finally. Thought you jumped out the window and left me." I laughed and looked over at him.

"I would never. Plus I've always taken ages to get ready, that's just how I am." He explained.

I looked at him for a good 10 seconds while he was standing there on his phone and I could just watch him for a lifetime. He did everything so perfectly.

He looked up at me and caught me staring. But my dumbass didn't stop staring at him, I got a bit caught up in the moment just admiring him and taking it all in. Wow I'm really with him, he's in my room.. he's my boyfriend...

"Why're you looking at me like that?" He asked me.

I snapped out of my thoughts and quickly looked down acting like I wasn't just staring at him for ages, probably making him feel really uncomfortable.

"I-I uh.. sorry." I tried to say. I couldn't really make up an excuse because let's be real, what excuse is there to stare at someone for so long? There isn't one.

"It's okay. I love that you actually acknowledge my existence." He laughed.

"Obviously I would.. I.. love you." I whispered. I never really tell people that I love them, so it's quite a big thing for me. It's a rare thing if someone hears me say 'I love you'.

Dylan looked at me for a second, taking in what I'd just said to him. It was a bit of a big thing for him as well as me. We're both just really weird when it comes to love and relationships.

"I love you too, Thomas." He smiled.

I smiled at him and he walked over to me and placed a soft kiss on my lips. I kissed him back and gradually got a bit harder and harder with every kiss.

Eventually, it was so hard there was no pause between the kisses and we were making out. I didn't have a problem with it at all though, I didn't even want it to stop.

Dylan pushed me backwards so I was lying down on the bed and my legs were wrapped around his waist. It almost got a bit too far but we stopped ourselves because his roommate was downstairs with my bestfriend. I didn't want them to have to listen to that.

They'd question us the next day as well so we kind of have to be alone if we're going to 'do anything'. Besides I don't know if Dylan is ready and I don't even know if I am yet.

I only ever had sex with Rosa because she made me do it, which is one of the reasons why I'm not sure if I'm ready to do it with Dylan because who's ever going to know if he'll be the same?

I'm putting too much thought into this because he's probably not the same as Rosa. I mean he isn't. I'm just paranoid I guess. I just sat up to stop the kissing from getting so heated.

"Are you okay?" Dylan asked.

"I-Uh yeah. I'm fine. I'm just not sure if I'm ready to go that far yet. Because.. you know with Rosa." I explained.

"I'm so sorry, I don't want to make you feel like I'm another Rosa.. I'll stop." He said and stood up off the bed.

"No I didn't say to stop. I just want you to know that I don't think I'm ready yet to go that far." I told him.

He didn't say anything, just nodded at me and looked back down at the floor. I felt a bit bad for making him feel like he was Rosa. So I stood up and started to kiss him again.

I wrapped my arms round his neck and his arms round my waist. After a few seconds he fell back on the bed and I was sat on his lap.

For another few minutes it was a heated make out session and I didn't want it to end, but we both knew it had to sooner or later. But I want it to end later.

"Dyl—" I tried to whisper but was cut off by all the kissing. Oops.

The rest of our night was filled with kissing, cuddling and watching films.

Hey guys i'm so sorry for not posting love u loads don't forget about me

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