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Thomas' Point Of Veiw.

I can no longer deny the feeling that I feel for Dylan. They're too strong for me to even ignore. At this point, every time I see his name on my phone I get so excited; once I threw my phone and it nearly cracked.

Every time he spoke with me on the phone, my heart would race. I can't handle the feelings anymore; I need to get them out.

Kaya knows that I'm gay and that I've been speaking to Dylan. Although she has suspected that I like Dyl, I never told her about my feelings toward him and how strong they've gotten in the space of a month.

Tonight I'll be going on a plane to see him, I was meant to be going to see my family; which was the original idea. But I'm so desperate to see Dylan, I have to go to see him now.

I quickly shove the rest of my clothes into my bag and I get Kaya to help me.

"You're not going to just see family are you?" She asks me.

"I d-don't know what you're t-talking about." I lie.

"I'm not stupid Thomas, you're going to see Dylan; that's why you want to leave like 3 days early." Kaya says in the duh tone.

I smile and look up at her, "Maybe."

"I'm coming with you, I don't care what you say; I don't care about money, I'm coming." She says.

"Well, today's your lucky day. My sister dropped out; she's sick. So we have the spare ticket that was supposed to be hers. " I tell her, watching her face light up.

"YESSSS!" She squeals.

I check the time, 8:37. If we don't leave now then we'll be late and I won't be able to see Dylan quick enough; I need to go quick.

"Come on, Kaya. We're going to miss the flight." I say.

"You're lucky I've already packed everything; I know you was only going for Dylan." She chuckles.

I roll my eyes sarcastically and walk out the door. I guess I do need Kaya because I'm the worst driver of the century.

Skip car ride.

We get to the airport, which is when I realise that this is happening for real; in less than 24 hours I'm meeting the guy that I'm in love with.

It's scary, I've wanted this to happen for what feels like forever; every agonising day, hoping he'll walk through the door and just hug me.

And tomorrow that's all going to happen, I'll get to hug him, feels his touch against my skin and just spend time with him.

I can't wait any longer, I need to see him. Now.

I'm so excited for when they meet and i'm the one writing the book😂

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