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This chapter isn't going to have Dylan, it's going to be Thomas and Kaya so ya.
KScods: Thomas. Thomas. Thomas.

Thomas🚀: Yes.

KScods: You need to break up with her.

Thomas🚀: How many times do I have to go over this? I've tried to leave her countless times and she won't let me.

KScods: Thomas, this is serious.

Thomas🚀: There's nothing we can do, she thinks she has all the power.

KScods: Because you're letting her have all the power.

Thomas🚀: I tried to break up with her. That resulted in bruises everywhere.

KScods: Stay at mine for a few days, if she comes looking for you she won't find you.

Thomas🚀: That sounds like a good idea, hope it works.

KScods: Message her saying you want to break up, now.

Thomas🚀: Fine.

Thomas🚀 left the chat.

IM IN LONDON. sorry i'm fangirling because i'm in the same city as thomas.

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