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Tommy🚀: I'm getting ready to board the plane.


Tommy🚀: SAME! In less than 24 hours we'll be together.

Dyl-Pickle🥒: We're so cute.

Tommy🚀: Duh, we're Dylmas, as you call it.

Dyl-Pickle🥒: Awh you used our ship name.

Tommy🚀: It's still confusing, but yes. I did.

Dyl-Pickle🥒: I can't wait to see you.

Tommy🚀: Same here.

Dyl-Pickle🥒: Can you just get here now thank you.

Tommy🚀: I wish. Also, my best friend is coming if you have a spare room?

Dyl-Pickle🥒: If it's a boy; he can fuck off.

Tommy🚀: Calm down, Dyl. He is a she.

Dyl-Pickle🥒: Then yes, she can have the guest room and you'll have to sleep with me.

Tommy🚀: If that's okay with you.

Dyl-Pickle🥒: I'd let you sleep with me any day.

Tommy🚀: Are you being sarcastic?

Dyl-Pickle🥒: You'll never know.

Tommy🚀: Whatever.
Tommy🚀: Anyway, I just got on the plane, I'll see you soon.

Dyl-Pickle🥒: Tommy.

Tommy🚀: Yeah.

Dyl-Pickle🥒: I love you.

Tommy🚀: I love you too.

Dyl-Pickle🥒: I didn't know it was possible to love someone so fucking much.

Tommy🚀: I honestly feel the same way.

Dyl-Pickle🥒: Have a safe flight.

Tommy🚀: I will.


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