Fight for You

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Tony fixed the little bow tie around Peter's neck, said boy watching him closely.
"Do I have to go?" He asked timidly. He didn't fully understand the concept of court or that this was a check in to make sure he was safe with Tony. All he knew was there was going to be a lot of grown ups and that made him nervous.

"Judges orders, spiderling. But guess what? You get to sit with Bruce and Steve during all the boring stuff." He smiled and Peter's eyes lit up instantly.
"Oh, daddy. Please let me bring the Rubix cube for Bwuce. I did almost all of it by myself." He pleaded. Tony chuckled.
"Of course." He grinned as the boy leapt from the bed, rushing to grab the toy before they left.

"He doesn't know, does he?" Pepper asked, wrapping her arms around Tony and watching the 5 year old run off gleefully.
"How do you tell a kid that age that he's had an aunt and uncle this whole time but they didn't want him. Pepper, he's so fragile already... I still can't believe they even called this trial into place. How are we unfit parents?" Tony was fuming, adjusting his own tie and Pepper chuckled.

"They'll see. Tony Stark has gone soft for his spiderling. You love Peter more than anything just go out there and show them." She patted his shoulder and Tony sighed. His girlfriend was right. What a walk in the park this should be.

Peter looked up at the big building, smiling. He loved any excuse to see any of the other Avengers, his little blue eyes scanned the courtyard excitedly.

"You must be May Parker. Tony Stark." Tony stuck his hand out for one of the ladies Peter had never seen before. Parker? He watched the woman shake hands, followed by her husband and son who was his age.

"Where is he?" May demanded but before she could say anything else, she noticed Peter clutching onto Tony's hand.
"Stark. We both know he has to go home with me. His parents will insisted and I am not leaving my nephew in the care of some self obsessed, partying lunatic." She insisted. Before either adult could continue, Peter pulled on Tony's pant leg.

"Daddy. Daddy. Bathroom, please." He shyly asked. Pepper wordlessly stepped forward to retrieve her son and take him to relieve himself. Tony turned back to May.

"I understand your concerns. I do. But Peter is fine. You can still visit whenever you'd like, he loves making new friends so it'll be no problem. Mrs. Parker, he and Pepper are all I really have left. I love them more than anything, how can you ask me to just hand Peter over? I would never ask you to give up Benjie. He's your son. You must love him just as I love Peter." Tony explained.

"The only time they ever let me visit him in his foster home was once. It was this rude lady with 4 older boys who loved to gang up on Peter. He's my sisters kid, I couldn't leave him without checking right? He was 3, so he probably doesn't remember it that well now. He had no clothing that fit and the soles in his shoes were wearing too thin... He asked me if I'd save him, I said I couldn't. The broken look in his eyes... He doesn't have that anymore. I've read through every report of what they did to that boy and he still looks at you like you're the most wonderful thing he's ever seen. He called you daddy and his eyes just lit up slightly, he loves you so much, Tony Stark. And as much as I hate to admit it, I don't want to shut that light out. Because I gave that chance up when his parents died... The chance to be that for him. I just want to make sure I'm right and you're the best possible candidate to be his parent. Hopefully, my nephew put his trust in the right place." She explained, pulling her husband and son towards the courtroom.

"Daddy.." Peter reached for Tony. "Can I sit with you instead?" He asked but Tony sighed.
"No... I need you to sit with Steve and Bruce and if you're really good, Steve promised he'd take you out after, anywhere you like." He assured the boy and Peter's eyes lit up.
"The zoo!" He gasped and Tony chuckled.
"Mr. Stark, Miss Potts. We're starting now." A man told them gently and they entered the room quickly.

Steve watched his buddy speak passionately to the judge. He knew there was no way Tony wouldn't win this. Peter's eyes were wide as he sat in his lap, watching his father slam his hand on the desk.

"Why is daddy mad?" Peter asked quietly, looking up at Steve and Bruce.
Bruce and Steve exchanged a look. "He's fighting for you, kiddo. He wants to keep you."

Peter turned back to watch the other adults fighting and he smiled softly to himself.
"Keep me.." He felt warm and fuzzy inside as Tony took Pepper's hand in his own, eyes searching the room for Peter to calm himself down.
"I'll fight for you, spiderling."

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