Uncle Challa

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The first vacation they took as a family and, of course, it was work related. Steve needed a repair on his shield from Vibranium but he was too busy to go grab it himself. So the duty fell upon Tony.
And that's what led to their current situation.

Pepper sighed. When Tony had said "let's go on vacation" she'd been hoping California, Las Vegas... Maybe even Walt Disney World for Peter. Not Wakanda. As they flew in, Pepper couldn't keep the skeptical look off her face. Sure it was nice, but it was simply not suitable for Peter.
She pulled the excited 5 year old closer, his bouncing around the private jet making her nervous.

"We're almost there..." Tony told her, obviously noticing her discomfort and trying to be comforting.
She rolled her eyes. "That's not why I'm upset and you know it, Tony. I thought Wakanda was a struggling country."

The billionaire chuckled as he looked out the window.
"That's what they'd have us believe. But my dad and Steve knew otherwise. Only a select few know, so you should feel honoured. Nobody can get us behind the barrier." Tony promised as they passed through said barrier.

Pepper was still skeptical but deep down she knew Tony was right. He wouldn't put her and Peter in unnecessary danger. He cared about them too much.

The plane landed quite easily and Peter excitedly raced ahead of his parents to climb down the steps. His blue eyes lit up as he looked around. This place was really high tech and probably the coolest thing ever to a young boy.

"You are not Steve." A man noted, chuckling dryly. Peter tilted his head to the side curiously.
"I'm not Uncle Steve." He giggled. "I'm Peter." He stuck his thumb to his chest proudly.

T'Challa kneeled down as the boy hopped down the steps towards him. He definitely had not been expecting a child to come out of the plane. As he was about to ask if he'd come alone, footsteps approached behind Peter. He looked up.

"Stark." He stood, taking Peter's hand into his own. "I was expecting Steve. It's his shield after all." He glanced at the red head at Tony's side questioningly.

"He's pretty busy. Asked me to come grab it instead. Nice family outing." He gestured to Pepper and Peter in turn and T'Challa shook his head. He'd love to hear the story behind this, but first he had a shield to help fix.

Shuri had never met a more adorable boy. Not only was he insanely cute, he was smart and picked up almost everything she showed him how to do on the high tech screens around them. Pepper sat in the corner watching in astonishment as Peter helped with shield repairment. She'd been worried at first, but Shuri was really good at guiding the boy.

His little fingers danced across buttons and eagerly listened to instructions about where to make improvements. Her son really was something, she thought.

"Mum! Mum! Look at Uncle Steve's shield!" The young boy excitedly pointed at the shiny shield below them. Shuri chuckled and ruffled the young boys hair.

"I wish I had a partner like you in the lab all the time. It'd be a real help." She smiled fondly.
Pepper chuckled. She knew the feeling. Breakfast got done in half the time when Peter helped. He was a lot smarter than anyone gave him credit for.

When Tony returned, the young boy explained in great detail all the cool buttons he'd pressed in order to fix his uncles shield.
Now that the shield was fixed, however, it meant it was time to go home to bring it back to Steve, who needed it.
"Can we come back and visit Aunt Shuri and Uncle Challa soon, daddy?" Peter asked, face pressed against the plane window.

"Oh, I'm sure you will. And they'll come and visit us sometime too, how would you like that, sport?" Tony asked.
Peter nodded, smiling. He liked Wakanda, he decided as he pulled out the small piece of Vibranium that Shuri had fashioned into a necklace for him. He'd return whenever his uncle needed his shield fixing. And even when he didn't.

A/N: I wrote this many weeks ago and have had it on my ao3 for a while but I stopped uploading to both for exams. I am, however, back and ready to continue this beauty. Who's ready for some more smol Peter?

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